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Privilege Walk

Essay Instructions:

With your Privilege Walk results in mind, submit a 1- to 2-page critical reflection addressing the following questions:

Which statement resonated with you the most? Why?

Where do your results place you—and others like you—in terms of rank? How do the results compare to your own perception of where you stand?

How has privilege impacted your life (e.g., access to healthcare, educational opportunities)?

How and by whom are social class and privilege determined?

When have you directly experienced status play in your life, similar to what you observed for this week’s Discussion? To what extent does that experience illustrate rank and privilege?

Reference the Learning Resources to enrich your reflection.

Review the Nieto and Boyer and Gay articles and view the Chicago Humanities Festival video in the Learning Resources.

Consider your own culture’s place in the power hierarchy and from whom you learned your place (e.g., main caregivers, extended family, schools, peers, the media).

Access the Jacob et al. article on “Perception of a Privilege Walk Activity” from the Learning Resources. Go to page 455 of the article and read through the “Statements” section. Circle or highlight the statements that apply to you, and consider where they place you. Does each factor put you “forward” or “backward” in terms of rank? You may even record a plus or minus to indicate your virtual movements ahead and behind. Reflect on your results.


Critical Media Project. (n.d.). Why identity matters.Links to an external site. https://criticalmediaproject(dot)org/why-identity-matters/

Gay, R. (2012, May 16). Peculiar benefits.Links to an external site. The Rumpus. https://therumpus(dot)net/2012/05/peculiar-benefits/

Jacob, S. A., Palanisamy, U. D., & Chung, C. M. C. (2017). Perception of a privilege walk activity and its impact on pharmacy students’ views on social justice in a service learning elective: A pilot study.Links to an external site. Journal of Pharmacy Practice & Research, 47(6), 449–456. https://doi(dot)org/10.1002/jppr.1322

Note: Go to page 455 of the article and read through the “Statements” section for this week’s Reflective Assignment.

Chicago Humanities Festival. (2018, January 10). Beverly Daniel Tatum: Why are all of the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?Links to an external site. [Video]. YouTube. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=PGZniOuoREU&feature=youtu.be

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 59 minutes.

Changing Minds. (n.d.). Status conversations.Links to an external site. http://changingminds(dot)org/techniques/conversation/types/status_conversation.htm

Nieto, L., & Boyer, M. F. (2006). Understanding oppression: Strategies in addressing power and privilege. Download Understanding oppression: Strategies in addressing power and privilege. ColorsNW.

Credit line: Nieto, L., & Boyer, M. F. (2006). Understanding oppression: Strategies in addressing power and privilege. https://www(dot)evergreen(dot)edu/sites/default/files/writingcenter/docs/cv/Nieto_Ask%20Leticia.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Humility and Diversity Week
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June 11, 2023
Among the statements presented in the Privilege Walk, the one that resonated with me the most was, "If you ever had to rely primarily on public transportation, take one step back." I grew up in a socioeconomically disadvantaged household in a bustling urban city where private transportation wasn't an option. Public transportation was our lifeline, and while it offered us mobility, it also brought about significant challenges, such as extended commute times, missed opportunities, and daily inconveniences that people with access to private transportation might need to consider.
Reflecting on the results of the Privilege Walk, I found myself further back than I had initially imagined. I have been fortunate enough to attend university, a step that many in my community did not have the chance to take. Yet, I also recognized several aspects of my life that have pushed me "backward" on this walk - my single-parent upbringing, working while studying to support family finances, and having to rely on public transportation, to name a few. This activity underscored the complex nature of privilege - it isn't an all-or-nothing concept but rather a nuanced spectrum influenced by many intersecting factors.
Privilege, or in many aspects the lack of it, has played a pivotal role in shaping my life. The financial constraints of my upbringing often made accessing quality healthcare and pursuing enriching educational opportunities a significant challenge. At the same time, I've been aware of the linguistic privilege I possess as a native English speaker. This has opened doors for me, providing greater access to resources, higher education, and broader jo...
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