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Essay Instructions:

1) Complete Both Case Studies, Chapter 20. (Carol Holtz. (2013). Global Healthcare: Issues and Policies Second ed.) CASE STUDY: Cross-Cultural LEARNING 2) Panamanian Challenges to Care.

2) Theorize how the economics, politics, geographical location, technology, and cultures affect the health and healthcare of residents of Israel in relation to Israel’s major health issues.

3) Compare and contrast the health and healthcare system of the country of Georgia with other countries established from the former Soviet Union and other developing countries.

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Assignment- Cross-Cultural Experiences in Healthcare
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COURSE####: Course Title
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Due Date
1) Complete Both Case Studies, Chapter 20. (Carol Holtz. (2013). Global Healthcare: Issues and Policies Second ed.) CASE STUDY: Cross-Cultural LEARNING 2) Panamanian Challenges to Care.
Q1.How would you feel about staying with a family in Panama if you do not speak the Spanish language?
1 I would feel anxious if I have no knowledge of the Spanish language as it would be challenging to communicate and be well understood. However, I would learn to listen and evaluate their reactions and attitudes.
2 To learn the Spanish language, I would watch Spanish movies, have conversations with Spanish speakers and keep a notebook of new words. The internet is useful to make the correct pronunciation and comparing where I listen and read.
3 American citizens must have a valid U.S. passport to enter Panama valid for at least three months (Berg, 2017). Americans visiting Panama for up to 180 days do not require visas and if staying more than 180 days, they apply for a visa at the Offices of Immigration in Panama (Berg, 2017).
4 There are recommended vaccinations such as yellow fever and malaria for those traveling from countries where there is yellow fever like in South America. Hepatitis A and B vaccinations recommended as are the routine vaccinations. The CDC recommendations identify the vaccinations and immunizations required.
5 Verbal communication is essential to be understood and I would need to understand the most commonly used words, their meetings and how to address different people. Panamanians tend to maintain close proximity when communicating
6 Nonverbal communication is essential to get the message across and Panamanians often use indirect communication and gestures. Touch and hugs are a form of non-verbal communication.
7 To visit a traditional healer in Panama I would go with an individual from a culture where they practice ancient healing traditions. Healing rituals are spiritual and it is important to respect the practice and not be judgmental.
8 Among the younger generations of Panamanians who have a negative view of the US in the Canal Zone, I would be open to their views and actively listen to them, while acknowledging there have been some misguided US policies. At the same time, I state I sympathize, but I am not responsible and hope for a better future for all where the people exercise self-determination.
9 I would need to know more about arthropod-borne, food borne and waterborne diseases by checking what is recommended for vaccinations and the risk for infection.
10 Strategies to be safe
Research and get to know the destination and surroundings
Eat food from formal establishment and not just street foot
Keep your friends and other travelers updated
Being aware of the surroundings
Maintain health safety standards and not engage in risky behaviors
Safeguard the hotel room, travel documents and personal belongings
Report unsafe conditions
Case Study: Panamanian Challenges to Care”
Q1: Leticia has a rather long name. What is her married name? What is the family name of her father? What is the family name of her mother?
Married name-Maria de Isaacs
Family name of her father-Blancas
Family name of her mother-- Chamorro
2 .To build a trusting relationship, with Leticia there is a need to communicate effectively with her, provide effect and built mutual trust.
3. Visiting Leticia in her home is necessary to build trust and understand their surroundings and how she relates with others. Leticia is comfortable in her home and more likely to open up
Leticia may not be too trusting inviting strangers she has not been able to interact with, and in such a case she is likely to be less engaging. The visits should not inconvenience her.
5. Skin infections are likely a cause of the skin rash. Diabetic skin rash is one of the symptoms that indicates there is likely to be worsening conditions
6. I would encourage Leticia to use eucalyptus and eucalyptus oil is used for the skin and I would recommend to promote healing
7. .I would not encourage Leticia taking the antibiotic and herbal medicine with the hyperglycemic prescrip...
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