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Voting and Election in America

Essay Instructions:

an essay of 4 to 6 pages (1,000 to 1,500 words), please answer the following prompt. I expect you to write your essay based on the assigned readings, on class forums, and on lectures and other video materials presented on the web site. I do not expect you to supplement these sources with outside research.

I also expect you to provide appropriate citations to your sources. If this is the text, you should use parenthetical endnoting with specific page references (e.g. Ginsberg, et. al. 2021: 41). If you are citing a lecture, you should provide the lecture number. Videos should be named using the title from the web page. Please cite forum posts by the author's name and the date of the post.

Analytical Essay #2

The results of the 2016 and 2020 national elections raise significant questions about the future of America’s political parties and the viability of America’s electoral processes. In an essay, describe the roles that political parties and candidate characteristics play in mobilizing electoral participation in contemporary U.S. elections and analyze how individual characteristics of voters (such as socioeconomic status), electoral laws, and electoral practices influence voting likelihood. Where possible use examples from recent national campaigns for national office discussed in the assigned text and in the lectures/video supplements.

Due Date: July 16, 5 pm (CA , USA time)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Voting and Election in America
Voting and Election in America
Like many other countries, America uses a multi-party system in electoral processes whereas the two main and powerful parties are the Republican and the Democratic parties. However, other parties like Libertarian, Natural Law, Green Parties, Reform, Constitution, and Socialist can promote a preferred presidential candidate in an election. In addition, the candidate eyeing the presidential seat is expected to possess a few characteristics that citizens will consider before electing them to power. Such may include; having a robust vision for the future of Americans, communicating with people effectively, being courageous enough to make unpopular decisions, topnotch crisis management skills, and being of good character and integrity. Thus, both the political parties and the candidates have specific roles in mobilizing electoral participation in recent American elections. In addition, the likelihood of voting is also influenced by individual characteristics of voters, electoral practices, and electoral laws.
Role of Parties and Candidates
With the expansion of the electorate, political parties evolved, thus mobilizing the growing number of voters to signify political control. The American political parties have adopted the accomplishment of this task since they became institutionalized. Many citizens wish to be part of the government; however, for this to be fulfilled, willing citizens should join a specific party to represent. The party will then train the willing citizen to be a candidate that will represent it in the electoral process. Generally, the parties look out for each other in any election then select candidates who will represent them in other public offices. These parties have goals for the government to implement; therefore, they will need a leader to represent them in the government for these goals to be achieved.
The parties also conduct elections that enable them to nominate their candidates, after which they rally their supporters and persuade them through mobilization to vote them in government. The parties also participate in all government dealings and proceedings to safeguard the goals set for the American people (Module 6, Lecture 2). Party members or candidates who have been voted in different public offices to represent the parties will be bonded through their party as the officeholders for the party. In contrast, the party acts as the bonding agent. The party's role also includes being or acting as the watchdog over the other parties that may be going against government proceedings or the will of the people. Other roles of political parties include monitoring the actions of members who hold public offices, whether they are from the same political party or not. For example, the Trump Administration was monitored by other parties who criticized his government for dividing Americans instead of uniting them. As a result, his administration was accused of promoting racism and gender inequality, thus prompting his impeachment.
Additionally, it is the role of the political parties to educate the electorate about campaign issues that they might be experiencing. Such was experienced in the Trump and Biden campaign rallies. These two candidates from different political parties (Democrat and Rep...
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