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Economy versus environment conundrum

Essay Instructions:
Course code- GGRA02 (Geography of global processes) DESCRIPTION of what to do: 1. go to the following link with the article named 'Looking for solutions to the carbon conundrum' link: http://v1(dot)theglobeandmail(dot)com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080201.w-OS-main-02/BNStory/oilsands/feature-topic 2. Critically read the piece you have chosen. This means you must question the text and its assumptions, argument, meaning and form and structure. The goal is to consider the merits of the text, the strengths and weaknesses of the argument(s) being made and the underlying assumptions that inform the document. You are also encouraged to consider the social, political, economic and environmental significance of the document you are examining. Be sure to take detailed notes on the text you are examining. 3. Develop a written ‘Critical Reading Reflection' (essay) that expresses your thoughts and reflects upon the text in question. Your reflection should provide a brief overview of the document and then should critically discuss the merits, assumptions and relevance of the text. You will be assessed based on the quality of the introduction, summary and analysis as well as the formatting. Your Critical Reading Reflection should be 2-3 pages in length (Approximately 750 words). Please provide a word count of you final assignment. FORMATTING: 1. NO title page required 2. APA format 3. Name, student number, course code & TA's name in assignment header 4. Page numbers (preferably at bottom of page) 5. Stapled (top left) 6. Double Spaced 7. Standard 1” margins 8. 12 pt (Times New Roman) 9. Headings/sub-headings recommended (be creative!)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Economy versus environment conundrum
Economy versus environment conundrum
In an energy-oriented world, demand for fossil fuel is on a firm rise. The danger associated with the looming oil crisis creates the need for investment in natural gas (Owen, 2012). Current deposits of oil are dwindling, and alternatives are under scrutiny. Initial cash outlay for natural gas prospecting is high. The investments eventually pay off because the lucrative market for natural gas is booming as an alternative fuel. Postulated figures indicate that growth in this sector of the energy market is set to hit unprecedented levels when the feasibility of oil cannot be vouched (Daigle et al, 2010).
Prospecting for energy in deep-seated seams of the earth is a costly affair in terms of cash outlay and environmental impact. In view of this, financial appraisal is necessary to establish the viability of a project. Suitable appraisal tools applied to estimation and ascertainment of the required financial resources offer necessary effort. In order to justify the sinking of funds to a risky venture, precision is required to ensure that confidence levels guarantee the investment a healthy return (Kudrow, 2009). The difficulty involved in prospecting for energy reserves and inaccuracy of equipment involved can lead to devastating losses. This happens in sunk costs if a company fails to acquire the energy reserves it aims to drill.
In an energy driven world, environmental concerns take back stage. Debate on the impact of fossil fuels to the environment and the atmosphere has been raging on for the better part of the previous decade. It has become apparent that there is a need to be environmentally conscious to ensure the protection of the environment.
The article clearly outlines modern research and technology that can be used to benefit fuel dependent economies and the environment. Arcane science of carbon dioxide injection into the earth to keep it from polluting the atmosphere is a relatively new concept. However, as outlined from the article, it is a new concept that can be adopted in the extraction of fossil fuel. Instead of releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it is diverted back into the ground (Mills, 2008). The concept has the potential of success since the oil rigs are situated in unique locations that will allow the capture of millions of tons of carbon dioxide.
For arcane science to be successful there needs to be goodwill from all the parties involved. By developing the technology, Canada is in a unique position to commercialize it for the world. However, politics run the daily affairs of any endeavor, and in an industry as large as oil, polit...
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