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Criminology theories

Essay Instructions:

The essay questions are used to help you exercise critical thinking skills and aid you in understanding the material for the learning objectives. These can also be a study guide. Provide your response to the following questions:

Discuss the three main types of strain-producing events of Agnew's general strain theory.

Social disorganization theory is one of the three major cultural deviance theories. Explain this theory, including criticisms and limitations.

Edwin Sutherland introduced the world of criminology to his differential association theory in 1919. Explain this theory and discuss four of the nine propositions that Sutherland says explain the process by which the transmission of values takes place.

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Criminology Theories
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Criminology theories
Types of Strain-Producing Events of Agnew’s General Strain Theory
The theory states that the strains increase the chances of crime. According to Agnew, the increase in crime is contributed by magnitude strains, unjust strains, low social control, and pressure on offense (Agnew, Brezina, Wright, & Cullen, 2002). The theory has three divisions of strain-producing events, namely failure to achieve a goal, presence of harmful impulses, and removal of positive motivations. These three types of strain cause stress that causes increased chances of crime involvement due to negative emotions like depression and anger.
Social Disorganization Theory
According to the theory, a person's behavior depends on their physical and social environments like location or residence. Besides, ethnic, cultural mixing and poverty contribute to behavioral and moral decay (Huss, 2014). Lack of community controls, high level of immigration, competition in neighborhoods, and disadvantaged urban areas are some of the assumptions that contribute to an increase in crime rates.
Criticisms: The theory is considered wholly negative as it does not include constraints. The theory assumes crime rates were natural in cases of weak community organizations. Besides, the methodological concept is also questioned since crime and delinquency are stated as forms of social disorganization. Also, the theory includes areas soc...
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