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Progress Assignment: Characteristics of Food and Agricultural Industry

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following:

1. Pick and describe, using course material (citing as appropriate), five (5) characteristics of our agricultural and food industries and the threat agents which could impact them and how do these characteristics increase our risk?

2. What radioactive material killed Alexander Litvinenko in London in November 2006? How has the investigation developed between 2007 and 2016? Do the British authorities have a theory who ordered Litvinenko killed?

3. In April 2010, President Obama said, "The single biggest threat to US security, both short-term, medium-term and long-term, would be the possibility of a terrorist organization obtaining a nuclear weapon." How does this statement impact current U.S. National Security Policy? If you were President, what changes would you make to U.S. National Security Policy to reduce the likelihood of a terrorist organization obtaining a nuclear weapon?

4. The video "Iran Nuclear Deal: Triumph of Diplomacy or Dangerous Precedent?" provides several different perspectives on the Iranian Nuclear Deal. Detail one perspective from each side of the argument (Triumph of Diplomacy and Dangerous Precedent) then support it with applicable references explaining the rationale for each side of the debate.

5. Experts disagree as to the threat from rouge nations with nuclear weapons (North Korea, Pakistan, Iran in the future, etc.) providing those weapons to non-state actors. Do you think that this is a concern or are nation states not willing to cross this line?

Technical Requirements

---Your paper must be at a minimum of 4 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).

---Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.

---Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.

---Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.

---Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Progress Assignment
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Progress Assignment
Characteristics of Food and Agricultural Industry
The food and agricultural industry characteristics include inelastic demand for farm products, technological innovations, nature, product differentiation, and the perishable nature of the industry's products.
Inelastic demand for agricultural products
Demand for many agricultural products is inelastic. For instance, if the price of agricultural products drops, people will not buy more. The demand for agricultural products is price inelastic, considering that they are necessities with few substitutes (Es et al., 2015). 
Extensive technological innovation
The food and agricultural industry has adopted various technological innovations, which help fulfill human needs with the help of technological innovations. The technological innovations in the food and agriculture industry comprise automatism and artificiality (Es et al., 2019). The food and agricultural industries make use of different technological innovations in the production process. 
Nature plays a crucial role in the production of agricultural products
Natural resources such as soil, water, vegetation, and animal diversity play a significant role in agricultural production. Natural resources are essential for social and environmental sustainability (Fredriksson & Liljestrand, 2015). 
Product differentiation is not possible in the agricultural sector
The agricultural and food sector is also characterized by impossibility when it comes to product differentiation. This is because the sector generally produces similar products with minimal variations, making it hard for product differentiation (Fredriksson & Liljestrand, 2015). 
Agricultural sector products are perishable
Agricultural commodities are perishable. The goods, whether frozen or not, cannot be stored for a long time. 
Threat Agents to the Food and Agricultural Industries
The food and agricultural industries face intense pressure from the increasing world population, increased food demand, meat products and dairy products, limited water and land resources, and the struggle for the available land with other producers and urbanization.
Increase in World Population
Over the past 50 years, there has been a significant population increase in the world. Demographic experts stipulate that by 2025, the world population is approximately 7.4 billion people. The rapid population increase implies a large population to feed, which leads to a disproportion in food distribution (Fredriksson & Liljestrand, 2015). This leads to uneven food distribution. 
Increased Food Demand
As the world population increases, the demand for food also increases. Also, other aspects such as the growth of developing countries lead to an increased food demand in particular meat products (Es et al., 2019). This is a threat to the agricultural and food industry as it implies the need to create more products. 
Food Prices
The other threat to the agricultural and food industry is the increase in food prices. An increase in food prices leads to a rise in the costs of food product imports, mainly in countries that depend on imports (Fredriksson & Liljestrand, 2015). The increase in food product prices is a threat to the food and agricultural industry. 
Land and Water Scarcity
Land and water are some of the essential resources required by the food and agricultural industry. Climate change and changes in consumption are factors leading to the high demand for these products. Lack of these resources significantly affects the operations of the sector (Fredriksson & Liljestrand, 2015). 
2. What radioactive material killed Alexander Litvinenko in London in November 2006?
Alexander Litvinenko was killed by radioactive Polonium-210, administered in a cup of tea. After the death of Alexander on November 23, 2006, investigations established that Polonium-210 caused his death (Krauthamer et al., 2015). After he had died, the main suspects for his murder were Mr. Kovtun and Mr. Lugovoi, who he had met for tea. On May 22, 2007, Br...
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