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Criminology in the Future: Combating Crime in the Future

Essay Instructions:

Access the Victims' compensation websites in your state and the National Center for Victims of Crime website (http://www(dot)ncvc(dot)org).
View the following in Criminology in the 21st Century:
Criminology Interviews: Director and Chief of Victimization Stats
Terrorism: A Study in Public Safety
View the following Films on Demand videos:
Targeting Terrorism
Advantages and Disadvantages of Surveillance
What is Biometrics? 
Research the following:
U.S. Patriot Act
The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003
Homeland Security Act of 2002
Write a 2,100- to 2,400-word paper addressing the following:
Future directions of crime fighting and it's role in social policy implication
The potential for specific crime-fighting methodologies, such as using biometrics, implementing cybercrime spyware, or mandating DNA collection programs
Evolving law enforcement and forensic technologies used to detect criminal activities
Possible civil liberty or ethical violations as they relate to the evolving technologies you included in the paper

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Criminology in the Future
Institution of Affiliation
Criminology in the Future
Criminology is changing and growing to become very advanced with time. Future crime will evolve with the modern transformation in technology and become more unconventional. But technology will be the same weapon that will be used to combat the malpractice. Thus, necessitating the study of future criminology, especially the projected techniques that will be used in fighting it.
Combating Crime in the Future
The certain element of fighting crime will be technology. Technology is like a double-bladed sword: which supports perpetrators with innovative techniques of committing the malpractice, yet provides the law enforcement agencies the powerful devices convenient in combatting criminality. How technology is enhancing misconducts is evident in the recent escalating malpractices like terrorism, cybercrime, drug trafficking, piracy, intellectual property theft, poaching and trafficking animal and plants inclusive of their products, threats to governance and armament trafficking. For instance, black markets play a significant role in illicit arms distribution. Today surges in transnational organized crimes have stimulated the weapon trafficking. The products are of use in terrorism, poaching, robbing and drug trafficking activities. The illicit arms trade supply armaments to revolt groups within a nation. Hence, making the criminal network riskier and treacherous. Thus, contributing to unrest in countries. Since possessing weaponry gives them the ability to battle security agencies or other legitimate entities. Moreover, the illegal nets can form a robust and compact troop that can escalate and expand to neighboring nations causing destabilizations in regions. As per the UNODOC the weapon trafficking fuel violence and weakens justice, development and security throughout the world. In 2006, the illicit arm transaction was estimated to be above $100 million (The White House, 2011). In the United States, the federal law enforcement entities have seized vast of weapons being rustled to countries like Yemen, Somalia, Philippines, Russia, China, and Mexico among others. Hence, demonstrating the trend of firearm trafficking in the world. The business also entails items that can be used to produce weapons. The clients generate money by illicit sales. Thus, revealing why the black market is highly profitable and why persons take the risks involved in the practice.
On the other hand surveillance cameras or closed-circuit camera monitors situated in places with the high potentiality of a crime can note the delinquency. It is hard to tell whether there will be the need for traffic police officers patrolling the streets yet cctv and cameras can be used monitor highways. Hence, the human labor may be reduced in the sector, and the devices mounted (Byrne and Marx, 2013). The advantage of technological resources is that they can work for twenty-four hours a day compared to individuals who will be exhausted after twelve hours. Moreover, it gives the police evidence of suing a culprit. Hence, revealing how new technologies will be significant in determining how police services will be conducted. Technology is expected to be the key weapon in combating malpractices. It will make detecting crimes simpler. Thus, opening a gap for the crime squad to intervene and arrest the felons in time for prosecution. Also, it may help the police to notice when the criminals are staging a crime. In turn, the police will take a safety action, which will save the public from the massacre. Thus, the surfacing future innovations will determine how the nature of law enforcement agencies will be done in performing duties of ensuring public order.
The worst part of fighting criminology is that it also changes with technology (The White House, 2011). No matter how good the security entities in combating crime are, the culprits will come with new techniques which will enable them rob or harm the citizens and escape without being detected. Hence, fighting of malpractices is almost inevitable (Byrne and Marx, 2013). Since criminology go hand in hand with technology. However, the role of the law enforcement agencies is and will be to protect the nation from the adverse impacts of criminology. Hence, new measures will be taken to cap criminality. Adding the number of police forces is one of the most conventional approaches in combating malpractices. They will help in investigating crimes, arresting and suing culprits and ensuring law and order. The aspect will reduce the burden of duties allocated to an individual. Because more police means tasks will be subdivided among the members.
Policy makers are expected to pass new laws which will help in fighting crimes. Presently the impact of crimes in society necessitates remodeling the existing ones (Byrne and Marx, 2013). Thus, law specialists are on the verge of researching policies that will help cap the rising delinquencies. The fallacy of innovation brings the perception that new legislations are superior compared to old ones. No one knows whether the technology will replace adjudicators, court officers and police from the law enforcement industry. For instance, the nature of police service may soon change from what it is now to an entirely different thing. Targeting improves protection of nationalities. Technologies like mobile data centers, patrol vehicles that are hand free, biometric ID's, video in patrol vans and developed new weapons can change the scenario. On the other innovations to monitor communications and gunshot location can bring the expected transformations. Data systems and information sharing devices will facilitate investigation and tracking of culprits.
Implementation of laws will help cap the number of crimes (The White House, 2011). Strict measures on weapons production, importing, exporting and handling will reduce the chances of culprits accessing a firearm. The law is also expected to help in fighting drug trafficking, Cybercrime, human smuggling trafficking and terrorism (Byrne and Marx, 2013). However, for further safety, the public is expected to possess more protective devices. The devices will protect them from injury during tragedies. Explosive detectors installation in all potentially risk places is anticipated. With the rate of innovation and the ongoing research additional devices are expected to be generated. For example, the introduction of threat and risk assessment gadgets will aid in controlling malpractices. Facial recognition software will help in tracking a criminal. Profiling probable lawbreakers will assist monitor perpetrators. New and less costly production techniques will help lower the prices of safety appliances like bullet proof. Hence, enhancing a more secure environment.
Crime Fighting Methodologies

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