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Criminal Trials Lesser Included Offenses And Double Jeopardy

Essay Instructions:

Email Instructions:
One area of the law essential to understand is the concept of lesser included offenses. In this discussion, address the following prompts:
Define the criminal justice legal term of lesser included offense.
Assess how courts determine whether a crime is a lesser included offense.
Explain whether someone can be convicted for multiple crimes for one act.
Evaluate how lesser included offenses do not violate the double jeopardy clause of the 5th Amendment.
Examine the material elements of crimes and how they can vary to allow for multiple prosecutions for the same acts or similar offenses. Provide specific examples to support your answer.
Guided Response: Your initial post must be at least 300 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts by Day 7. Fairness should be considered in any criminal law or procedure issue. Provide analyses of your classmates' postings with an emphasis on whether or not it seems fair to the defendant to have to defend against crimes presented in multiple forums. Can we assume that it is fair to the state to prosecute in multiple jurisdictions (where the state has large amounts of resources for such actions)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Define the criminal justice legal term of lesser included offense.
In law a lesser included offense is that which is proved using the same facts as those of the main criminal offense. It is a crime within a major crime. Example is that of manslaughter, maybe you are punishing someone for breaking the rules then by mistake you kill. You have killed yes but you had not intended to kill. In plea bargains for first offenders in close cases the killer may plead guilty or "no contest" to this lesser-included offense instead of murder which carries a more severe penalty, including jail.
Assess how courts determine whether a crime is a lesser included offense.
When a person commits a crime and the court has no full evidence of the committed crime, the lesser included offense will be used to charge the crime. For example driving inappropriately falls under lesser included offense of reckless driving. Reckless driving is not a crime and is only charge by...
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