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COVID Pandemic: Ethical Analysis, Impacts, and Policy Recommendations

Essay Instructions:

In this class we’ve talked about several ethical issues and ethical ideas. Pick one issue that’s personally important to you, your family, a friend, or that you find especially interesting.

• Could be about economic choices, inequality, jobs/employment, covid, other health issues, education, etc. or something else

Explain why this issue is important. Explain how ethical reasoning could be applied to analyzing this topic. If appropriate your analysis may lead you to make some policy recommendations, or you could just discuss how ethical values can be used to evaluate a situation or decision (or both). Your paper should have a main thesis statement which you support with arguments, evidence, and reasoning. Please reference at least two of the assigned readings.

• Length: 5 pages (double spaced)

The paper should be no longer than 5 pages. In order to receive a better grade on this assignment, you should focus on quality rather than length. Focus on making the paper well written and on the logic of your argument.

You should write several drafts of the paper (for example 3 drafts), improving it each time. It would also be useful to seek feedback from your classmates, members of your class group or others. For example, you may ask your group members for feedback on earlier drafts and offer to provide feedback in return.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

COVID Pandemic
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COVID Pandemic
Coronavirus is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus exhibiting many health complications for the infected. Among the symptoms felt after infection are mild to moderate respiratory illness and recovery without an individual requiring any special treatment. However, some can develop serious respiratory complications and require urgent and specialized therapies. Individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease and those old are more likely to develop serious complications when contracting the disease (Adler, 2020). The sudden spread of the virus has run global activities to a standstill, with most countries declaring lockdowns to curb its spread. The article discusses the importance of the COVID pandemic infection to the international community. There are also critical ethical analyses surrounding the Pandemic that communities must clarify. Moreover, the case discusses the various impacts of the virus across societies and the different policy recommendations that reduce its spread rate and improve the adverse effects on multiple sectors (Su, 2021). Corona Virus is a relatively new pandemic that requires extensive studies to understand, critical ethical analysis, and the exploration of impacts and policy recommendations of the Pandemic.
Importance of COVID Information
The onset of the Pandemic caught everyone by surprise, including extensive research organizations that scrambled to manufacture a vaccine. Individuals succumbed to the virus's effects due to insufficient knowledge of how to prevent the contraction of the virus. It is essential to have every possible information on Corona Virus to advance our protection (Everett et al., 2021). Moreover, access to information helps with saving measures applicable to diminishing sectors. Families with young children and older adults need support, especially in the middle of this Pandemic; however, it is not possible when securing information about the virus is difficult. The availability of information can help government organizations better understand how best to support vulnerable individuals in societies (Miller et al., 2021). Examples of responses that a country’s government is likely to deliver regarding having enough information on the Pandemic include offering families access to free healthcare services and offering an educative seminar to the public to minimize the spread of the virus.
Moreover, organizations globally are among the primarily hit sectors by the global Pandemic. Knowing about the virus and its characteristics help corporation that experiences the negative impact of the virus to apply measures that help its sustainability (Wamoyi et al., 2021). Organizations dealing with gatherings, such as event organizers, commuting locomotives, and schools, were forced to close their doors after almost every country globally ordered a lockdown. However, they were able to make their comeback in their respective industries after getting access to information about the virus and how humans can coexist with it. Schools started adopting online learning to ensure their calendar ran smoothly, and event organizers took advantage of the social space and secured concerts with global viewers at home watching (Wu et al., 2020). Substantial knowledge of the COVID-19 Pandemic is essential for individuals and organizations to continue their agendas and activities.
Ethical Analysis of COVID
The increase in cybercrime, especially during the lockdown period, intensified as attackers targeted idle individuals at home on their gadgets. The significant adoption of technology and digitization are among the factors contributing to the rise in crime (Shereen et al., 2020). Therefore, government organizations and relevant stakeholders need to work together to ensure the elimination of the atrocities conducted in the communities. In addition, cybercrime and physical crimes have increased in various neighborhoods due to many people losing their source of livelihood and turning to the streets to fend for themselves.
Corruption in healthcare organizations became more pronounced with the onset of the Pandemic. The production, supply, and procurement of medical equipment and vaccines have been tainted with corruption globally since hospitals and healthcare organizations went through panic buying (Hassan et al., 2020). Various cases of embezzlement of healthcare funds, using expired vaccines on patients, and fraudulent health contracts ushered in the Pandemic. Hospitals registering large numbers of patients past their authorized capacity outstretched their resources, and some started giving patients expired medicines due to the limited amount of the medication (Alghamdi, 2021). Moreover, hospitals hurriedly did the contract issues to curb the spread of the Pandemic, characterized by shady deals and the supply of substandard materials to health organizations.
Impacts of the COVID pandemic
The Pandemic has impacted global food security, public health, employment, and labor issues. Millions of agricultural workers that are waged and self-employed to feed the world suffer from high levels of poverty and malnutrition (Pokhrel & Chhetri, 2021). The onset of the Pandemic drove them to a standstill since they could not go outside and sell their produce; those affected by the virus deteriorated quickly, and those who were healthy could not access food to continue their livelihood. Most farmers lacking a source of income for their produce resorted to negative coping strategies such as selling their assets to relying on predatory loans.
Moreover, nearly half of the global workforce has lost their job, and a couple more continues to lose theirs due to the slow economic vibrancy of the global market economy. The Declaration of lockdowns in most countries, especially China, meant that no importation or exportation was possible (Mahdy, 2020). The stagnant goods rendered...
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