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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Plan of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

Essay Instructions:

There are 5 files, two of them are the topic to choose and than is the plan example and the plan that I submit and the professor advices. I recommended option1, it is an essay and topic is about find an early maps to analyzing and describes details you can find in option 1. The project plan need to follow the instructions and example, it due on this weekend and essay is due on 11/13

30 Points – 30% of your grade

Produce a storyboard and 3-minute short-form video that offers viewers a sophisticated explanation of a geography concept or insight. To be successful, your storyboard and video will need to present an organized explanation of the concept or insight with examples and/or applications of that concept or insight. Consult the steps below and following rubric for details.


1) Make a plan and submit for feedback.

Plan what you will do and submit your plan for approval and feedback. Submit a Word document via UBLearns that includes the following information, written in complete sentences and neatly formatted:

a)      The concept or insight that you are interested in (something that piqued your interest in the lectures or the readings). What is the basic idea? What vocabulary is associated with that idea? And why have you chosen it?

b)      Audience. Who is your audience? What are important considerations when creating a video for that audience? What prior knowledge will you expect your audience to have? (Be as specific as possible: When you are making your video, what is the most specific group you might imagine as your audience – remember, for example, that “college students” is still a very broad audience.)

c)      Your objective. What are you going to teach to your audience? The objective can range from relatively simple, such as “They will understand the concept of X” to more complex such as “I will use a geography lens to convince them Y.”

d)      Use of the format. How will the video format support the objective? What are your ideas for visual and audio material? (Definitely not just you lecturing to the camera!)

e)      List at least 3 quality sources you will use to develop and support your storyboard and video.

The grading rubric on the next page provides a list of requirements.

Submit via UBLearns by Sunday, September 25 @ 11:59PM.

1b) OPTIONAL. Meet with professor or TA.

1 percentage point extra credit added to final course grade.

Meet with Dr. Jampel or Amanda any time between Wednesday September 26 and Friday October 28 to ask questions and receive feedback on your progress. Recommendations:

a)      Schedule a meeting in advance. We are busy and while we will do our best to accommodate scheduling requests, last-minute requests may be impossible to fulfill.

b)      Bring more than you submitted on September 25 or at the very least, questions about what you submitted as your plan.

2) Draft and revise your submission according to the feedback from Step #1 and with careful attention to the criteria outlined below and on the next page.

  • Your final storyboard needs to be a detailed plan of-- and guide to-- your video. This includes everything you emailed in your draft idea but a fully-fleshed out script, words, images and how you intend on having your story flow. A sample template for storyboarding is available on UBLearns. It can be hand-drawn, digitally produced, or hybrid. Text must be legible.
  • Your final video needs to be about 3 minutes (+/- 15 seconds ok).


Essay Sample Content Preview:
A plan of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
The Eiffel Tower, also known as La Tour Eiffel in French, was a key feature at the 1889 Paris Exposition, also known as the Universal Expositions of the French Revolution, which displayed France's industrial prowess to the rest of the world. This paper is a plan of the Eiffel Tower, based in Paris. The question that the map and essay would be answering is what are the transport networks that link the area around the Eiffel Tower? Since Paris is a global hub for business and the tower is one of the biggest landmarks, I would like to know how one can move from any part of the world and reach the tower, and the type of transport networks available in the area. This question would be answered with a broader view of Paris city’s map as discussed in the essay.
First, the Tower is referred to by the French as "La Dame de Fer," which directly translates to "Iron Lady."A famous sight in the city of Paris that every visitor wishes to capture on camera. It was natural that it undertook a mission to represent France in the community's mind. It has played host to many significant occasions in Parisian and French history. The Eiffel Tower is my point of study because of its rich tradition culture and how it por...
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