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Understanding the Rising Costs of Higher Education

Essay Instructions:

Easy task - revise the attached file with ready paper, correct it: is not in proper APA format as requested on the order. It doesn't have running head, no page numbers and the reference page is in the wrong format. Check for plag - make sure it is unique. 
For this writing scenario, you have been asked to write a short essay with sources on an issue important to college students in the 21st century.
You will submit this essay to a student journal that is publishing a special issue on topics important to modern college students. You may choose to write about issues of costs and financial aid, balancing work/school/family, access to technology, or another issue you feel is important. The topic is up to you, as long as it fits the scope of the special issue of the journal. You notice the journal usually publishes short student essays, with a few sources.
Your task is to write a short essay, 750—850 words, on the topic above. Your essay should include at least two outside sources, which should be cited according to APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

19 October 2016
Our world is undergoing an awakening. Slowly, more people are beginning to realize that there are issues in our world that need to be addressed and that these matters are rooted in our culture and society. All people from all rounds of life see that there are flaws in how the different systems and institutions work in the society and the university setting is no exception. Modern times have many problems that students are beginning to realize.The cost of higher education has continued being a huge barrier to many students ,in the access of higher education.
One of the issues confronted by students in higher levels of education is the cost of learning. The cost of tuition fees for universities has gradually increased over the years. In many cases, the load and stress on the students are increased as they have to learn and at the same time, earn. In this sense, many students are forced to take up side jobs to sustain their living and their academic life. It is widely known that education is a right for all, after all, knowledge is power. Therefore, education is needed to empower the people, who in turn use it to make the world a better place.
However, the manner in which the system works nowadays increases levels of stress and anxiety in the students. Financial resources are one of the most valuable things in the present capitalistic society. Student loans and scholarships are indeed provided and offered for some, but for the majority of the population, higher education is becoming harder to acquire as the cost and the requirements have blown to staggering proportions (McAdam, 2015).As a result, this contributes towards the higher cost of higher education.
Another issue faced by students today is alcohol and substance abuse. As the daily loads and pressures of academic’s increases, so does the use of alcohol and substance. Alcohol consumption is an ever growing problem in the student life environment.
Peer pressure is pushing many students to take alcohol during college campus parties and turn to it whenever they are stressed by the demands of school. Not only that, the presence of other illegal drugs in the college environment is causing students to become unable to work in their most efficient forms. Alcoholism has all the negative impacts on academic performance, from absenteeism, lateness in assignment delivery, and a bad result on small quizzes, which all sum up to falling behind the rest of the class (Wechsler et al., 2002).
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