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Describe Personal Socio-Cultural Values and Beliefs

Essay Instructions:

Application: Personal Socio-Cultural Values and Beliefs
There is often an evaluative component to social culture: When people encounter an unfamiliar value, belief, or behavior, they may evaluate it negatively. As an OPD professional, you can expect to work with individuals who come from cultures that are different from yours. What's more, your work will likely have far-reaching effects—touching the lives of many individuals from various cultural backgrounds. It is therefore important for you to be aware of your own cultural perspective and how it may influence your approach to working with people from diverse cultures.
To prepare for this assignment:
• Review pages 136–138 in the course text, Managing Internationally, focusing on cultural values.
• Review this week's DVD program, “ Social Culture.” Focus on:
o The primary and secondary cultural identity groups to which an individual may belong
o The Cultural Identity Profile exercise—why it is useful and how to complete it
• Review Geert Hofstede's Web site on Cultural Dimensions (under Learning Resources). Focus on the meaning of the five Cultural Dimensions and how specific countries rate.
• Complete your own Cultural Identity Profile as outlined in this week's DVD Program, “Social Culture:”
o Step 1: Brainstorm cultural identity groups
o Step 2: Think of characteristics that typify each cultural identity group
o Step 3: Allocate pieces of the pie to each cultural identity group
• Consider the various components of your own cultural identity and how you may be perceived by the individuals with whom you work.
The assignment (1–2 pages):
Describe the various components of your own cultural identity and the insights that you obtained about yourself through this exercise. Analyze how your cultural identity may affect how others perceive you, and explain how this might present issues and challenges when you are working as an OPD professional. Also, include two or more examples of how you might modify your behavior or make other accommodations in certain situations in order to minimize these challenges.
Geert Hofstede's TM Cultural Dimensions
Reading Reference (if needed)
Course Text: Managing Internationally
Chapter 3, "International Management and the Cultural Context" (pp. 125–158)
Article: Bond, M. H., Leung, K., Au, A., Tong, K., Chemonges-Nielson, Z. (2004). Combining social axioms with predicting social behaviours. European Journal of Personality, 18(3), 177-191.
Use the Academic Search Premier database, and search using the article's Accession Number: 12762582
Article: Vandello, J. A., & Cohen, D. (1999). Patterns of individualism and collectivism across the United States. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(2), 279-292.
Use the PsycARTICLES database, and search using the article's Accession Number: 1999-03699-004
Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008). Dynamics of contemporary, international, and virtual organizations: Social culture. Baltimore: Author.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation:
Various Components of My Cultural Identity
Culture can be established as a body of traditions, learned beliefs and principles that are utilized in guiding behavior and that are in most cases shared among individuals within a particular group. Culture, in this instance, can be used as a roadmap for the perceived interactions in the world (Bond, et.al.2004). The journey towards identifying my cultural identity includes the acquisition of knowledge about some of the components of my culture and those I work with.   Given this, it is essential to establish the identification of the elements of my cultural identity requires a close analysis of my belief system and experiences and include:
Language and Communication Styles:
In this case, it is essential to establish that language and communication style infers to both the verbal and nonverbal behaviors that include social customs about how, when, and who speaks to whom (Bond, et.al.2004). Within my culture, there are gestures, body postures, and expressions that are commonly used in communication. Direct eye contacts are either considered as rude or polite, thus detailing the manner in which language and communication are used within my culture.
Family Relations
It is essential to note that a family is considered as the primary unit of the society, an aspect that allows children to socialize into the society. Family relations also help individuals within the society to assimilate particular attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and values within the community (Schwartz, et.al. 2014). On the other hand, it is significant to establish that family ties and relationships also constitute family roles, family structures, expectations, and dynamics. 
Religion within my society infers to a set of practices and beliefs relating to the spiritual realm that believes in the existence of a supernatural being that created the heavens and earth. It is, therefore, essential to establish that religion plays a significant role in my society in guiding behavior with the aim of explaining human conditions, thus depicted as a source of str...
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