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Corrections System History, Participants And Their Roles

Essay Instructions:

Final PaperThe purpose of the Final Paper is for you to examine the issues related to corrections as well as the best strategies and options designed to meet the goals of corrections. Your paper should include the following:An explanation of the history of the corrections system and varying approaches to corrections by era.A complete description of the participants of the corrections system and their roles.A detailed analysis of the impediments, or issues, faced by corrections administrations when running a prison.A complete description of the rights of prisoners, and the administration of required services by prison officials.A detailed description of alternative forms of corrections, including methods of rehabilitation and reintroduction to society.A comprehensive list of alternative strategies to incarceration with an assessment, both pro and con, showing their worth as related to traditional, incarceration strategies.You must incorporate at least five resources, other than the text, in your Final Paper. You can supplement some of these resources you use with interviews of people involved in the field of corrections. Provide statistical data and analyses justifying the positions taken in the paper, and any other scholarly or practical references that lend credibility to the project and the findings presented. If you chose to incorporate an interview, or interviews, prepare your interview throughout the four weeks. Use this schedule when incorporating an interview into your Final Paper:Week One: Create a list of potential corrections jobs and the location of those jobs.Week Two: Contact the potential person to hold an interview.Weeks Three and Four: Allow two weeks to find a good time to hold the interview and process the information.The paper must be eight to ten pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly resources (at least two of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library) other than the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student's name

Course name and number

Instructor's name

Date submitted

Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

Must use at least five scholarly resources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford University Library.

Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Rubric: https://ashford(dot)waypointoutcomes(dot)com/assessment/3879/preview

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Topic Corrections
Student’s Name
Supervisor’s Name
Globally, the correctional system is the main term that is used to refer to different types of mandates that are directly administered or executed by the jurisdiction and justice institutions that include the management, castigation, rehabilitation, and supervision of people convicted of various crimes. The mandates are usually accomplished in the form of probation or parole, incarceration, and the prison which presents the most common agency of correction in the whole world. The correction system is usually recognized by some countries as a penal system. this is because it is mostly concerned with a network of correctional institutions which are the monitors of the prisons system in a country together with other community initiatives like probation or parole boards CITATION BAJ17 \l 1033 (Jackson, et al., 2017).
Looking at the above definition it can be said that correctional facilities thus are one of the most important part of the nation's criminal justice system that works hand in hand with the prosecutor, the judges, and the police. In most countries, including the United States, they are very corresponding in terms of the correction and other related services. In this case, one will find that the departments are often named identically. This report provides an investigation into the aspects of a correctional system by providing an overview of the history, the role of correctional departments and other related areas. In particular, the united states will be the main agenda in the report while other examples like Japan will also be discussed.
History of the Corrections System
The history of the corrections system can be divided into the ancient times of 2000 BC and 1800 AD. This is because the way the system ran is different from each other. In the above periods, however, there were a lot of incidences of the correctional events that ranged from the Sumerian and Babylonian theories to the introduction of the penitentiary model of the united states. However, when looking at the two practices, there are other divers practices and codes that were also witnessed in the period especially during the extreme oppression of the offenders who dominated the conventional correction endeavors. Other historical records have also indicted a development from the physical castigation to the emotional reprobation that spread all over the ancient chronological era, there were other primitive discoveries that reveal the inhuman torture equipment that were used on inmates and other law offenders CITATION SNi04 \l 1033 (Nicholson‐Crotty, 2004).
However, there has been a lot of reforms since the change from the empire system to the state administration in this country. needless to say, there was still use of physical pain as a correctional method in most of these facilities. The issues are especially real when looking at the western and Asian countries. in addition, with the inclination to the psychological castigation and use of religious codes, there grew a belief in natural law and justice which was especially practiced among the western nations. According to CITATION SJi14 \l 1033 (Jiang, et al., 2014), the use of natural law entailed ceremonies and rituals like the use of canon law which was taken from the church. In this era, there was a judicial practice where the practitioners had to be owners of a doctorate and approved to serve as experts in law, in this manner, the involvement of religious groups saw a huge reform in correctional methods as it reduced violent punishment and torture against offenders.
It was until the 18th century when the age of enlightenment materialized that the knowledge and practice of human dignity was paramount, this saw a great reduction in torturing and physical punishment on inmates and a shift from the popular correctional and mental suffering of inmates. For example, in Rome, there was the abandonment of the underground to above ground correctional facilities that encouraged extensive structure of dungeons below the sewages facilities of the city. However, the use of what is popularly referred as corporal punishment was still practiced by Asian states which high case reports of prison rape, torture, beatings, and execution. CITATION SJi14 \l 1033 (Jiang, et al., 2014) Death sentences is still practiced in some states including stoning, fire lynching, disjointing of body parts and beheading, which are all referred to as barbaric means of correction. In the present day, however, incarceration has become a more popular practice of correction where prisoners are deported away from the ordinary environment to serve sentences under police watch. They are also provided with food, bed, enough room and other sanitation and mentoring facilities while they serve their time CITATION LMa06 \l 1033 (Magnani & Wray, 2006).
Participants of the corrections systems and their roles
The corrections system is usually made of a different participant and departments with regard to the existing laws of the state. The most common participants in the corrections systems include the probation officer, the correctional officers, and Jail personnel. The correctional officers are among the most important people in the correctional system. This is because they are required to provide a front-line control and supervision of offenders. This will include the level of picking managers for restoration. Because they have vast experience with regard to the stimulus overloads, they are usually looked at as being ‘ prisoners’ themselves CITATION LMa06 \l 1033 (Magnani & Wray, 2006). They are however not authorized to provide any form of counseling to detainees or aid in the rehabilitation effort. Most of them are in charge when it comes to leading the inquiries from prisoners, cells, main for a contraband or guests. Correctional officers are thus very vital in helping the implementation of the law by the book.
The second people are the jail personnel, who include cooks, launders, maintenance, surveillance, nurses, counselors, teachers and peer moderators and more. In most cases, they will be employed at a pay that is related to the work they do and they tolerance to the correctional environment. In this group, they find women prisoners easier to tackle that the men, this is because in a male prison, often the jail personnel will have to visit in the company of a colleague. The other most important people are the probation or parole officers. They have the most important job of supervising offenders and assigning a caseload. In this manner, they work well as international correspondents and assist the courts in making choices about different offenders. Probation officers are also very trained to ensure that the judgment they make about an offender will stand and will not backfire on the courts and the whole judiciary or community CITATION SNi04 \l 1033 (Nicholson‐Crotty, 2004).
Analysis of issues faced by corrections administration when running a prison
A prison, like any other institution, has its own organizational and management challenges. For a correctional facility, it is even worse as the administration is dealing with known criminals, rapist, killers and murderers. The first issue that is faced with correction administration including the united sta...
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