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What Does It Mean: Race As A Social Construction

Essay Instructions:

These are the instructions:
Please write a brief (500 word minimum) journal entry responding to the topic or question provided. Journal entries should be in first person (I, me, my) and are your chance to present your own ideas, analyses, and questions on the topic.
Prompt for journal 1: What does it mean to say that race is a social construction? What evidence have you seen so far to support the claim that race is socially constructed?
Please no fancy words, English is my second language

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Race as a Social Construction
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Race as a Social Construction
Race can be used to denote a group of people with inherited traits that tend to distinguish them from other people. A group of people that exhibit similar characteristics, skin tone and speak the same language are said to belong to the same race our genetic make-up, however, is one of the major reasons we have physical differences. Usually, an individual’s skin color is not solely used to determine their race, we mostly consider one’s ancestral origin as a means of classification. Races can be classified into three major categories: Asians, Europeans and Negros. Race, however, is a made-up concept, the first time people discovered that they looked, talked and behaved differently from each other, they came up with the different races to justify the differences that exist in the world.
The social construction of race means that race doesn’t have a natural origin but it has been artificially created by humans who seek to justify their actions of discriminating and stereotyping other human beings. There is no biological basis that supports race, for some people one might be too black or too white depending on their origin. The definition of a black man in America might not be solely about the color of his skin but about his origin. In other instances, geographical locations determine the color one will have, people born in hot areas have a very high concentration of melanin that protects them from the harmful rays of the sun but those in much colder areas have a low concentration of melanin hence the color of their skin. This clearly shows that race is a socially constructed concept. Personally, I have had several experiences and testimonials that prove that race is socially constructed and people use race to justify inequality.
I have gathered a few instances which prove that race is socially constructed. The first instance is the case of the former President of the United States Barrack Obama. Obama was considered too white to be black and too black to be white. The black Americans could not find a perfect match between them since his color was not fully black yet his own father was a black person. The whites could also not find a perfect relationship that tied their origin with his own. This clearly shows that race goes beyond one’s origin but it is shaped by the perspectives of the members of the society who seek to justify their discriminatory and stereotypical actions. If biological origin was solely used to depict race, then despite the physical attributes one would be accepted into the society as being part of them without considering their attributes.
Secondly, societies generate rules that greatly affect our perception and our actions when it comes to how we relate with others. In my own opinion, the perception of the society about the race of someone affects how individuals relate and treat those who do not seem to belong with them. In some countries, certain colors are considered superior and in some the same colors are considered inferior. The standards set in the...
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