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Continuity of Operations (COOP) Contingency Operations

Essay Instructions:

Excerpt from FM 4-0 (Sustainment Operations): "During large-scale combat against peer threats, all friendly forces, including those conducting sustainment tasks, are in contact and under observation in the space and cyberspace domains, as well as the information environment. In light of potential adversaries' capabilities, Soldiers must be prepared to operate in denied, degraded, and disrupted communication environments. FM 6-99 includes standardized report and message formats. The formats in the field manual are for manual and voice use. The report and message formats help users prepare and manually transmit written and voice reports and messages. Each format provides an organized template to record, pass, and store information. Operations on the multi-domain battlefield will require Soldiers maintain the ability to operate in a contested cyber or space environment, without the use of enterprise systems. Sustainment organizations should maintain manual reporting skills and should also be prepared to use alternate methods of reporting such as, telephone, radio transmission, messenger, or hard copy."

Scenario Environment: You have been deployed to an austere combat environment where communications are denied, degraded, and disrupted. You are assigned to a Forward Support Company {FSC) as the Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer and are responsible for supporting a Battalion. 90% ·of your maintenance personnel MTOE authorizations are filled and 100% of your tool/special tool MTOE authorizations are filled. You are able to print and use computers, but are unable to use GCSS-A, VSAT, cellular communications, telecommunications, or access the internet. You have all maintenance regulations, pamphlets, and technique. publications downloaded onto your computer. You also brought all of your Maintenance Support Devices {MSD) which were loaded with all applicable technical manuals prior to deploying.

Assignment: Write a continuity of operations plan {COOP) paper that details how you would conduct maintenance operations in the above scenario environment. At a minimum, you are required to address the forms and processes used to execute and track readiness reporting, work orders, dispatching, parts requisition and turn-in, recovery operations, and preventative maintenance checks and services (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, annual) for generators, vehicles and weapons systems. The following general guidelines will be adhered to:

1. Papers will be graded IAW the "Writing Assignment Rubric" in Appendix G.

2 . .Do not quote directly from sites such as Wikipedia.

3. Use APA format to site all references and/or illustrations used. When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones, 1998), and a complete reference should appear in the reference page at the end of the paper. If you are referring to an idea from another work but are

not directly quoting the material, or making reference to an entire book, article or other work, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication and not the page number in your in-text reference. All sources that are cited in the text must appear in the reference list at the end of the paper. Visit the following webpage for additional information:

https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owVresearch and citationlapa sMelapa fonnatting and style guide/in text citations the basics.html

4. Include a Reference page as the last page of your paper. At a minimum the reference page will need to provide the author, year of publication, title of

publication/web page/article/source/etc., and URL (if applicable). For example:

Corps, U.S. (2016, January). The Strategic Vision of the United States Ordnance Corps: Maintain, Arm, Protect the Future Force.

https:1/goordnance.army .mil/documents/od _strategic_ vision jan2016.pdf.

5. Use Ariel 11 or 12 Point Font.

6. Writing assignments will be turned-in to your instructor NL T 10 working days prior to the last official day of WOAC, phase 1.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Paper on Continuity Operations Plan
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
July 2021
A Research Paper on Continuity Operations Plan
The primary purpose of this regulatory protocol provides a list of responsibilities, military policies, and planning to give a definite and efficient execution of urgent military missions and operations at all costs and under all probable circumstances that the battalion encounters. Thus, all priority, highly classified, and military operations will now be managed and accomplished under the Operations Continuity Plan Protocol. This Operations Plan will take precedence in case of conflict with any military regulations. The continuity of the operations lies in this report.
This is a Continuity Operations Plan that provides an immediate assessment and remedy to proceed with the operations even during interruptions and emergencies in the form of disrupted, denied, or degraded communications. It is highly urgent for the transmittal of data and high-priority information to continue and be passed on to the intended recipients. The subsequent paragraphs provide an outline of the protocol and military procedures that would help sustain operations as stated in an excerpt from FM 4-0, also known as the sustainment operations that amid large-scale combat against all forms of threats, all allied forces must continue to be in contact and under accurate or rigid observation in the cyberspace domains, inclusive of the venues of the information environment.
Facts and Scenario Environment
I am currently assigned as an Automative Maintenance Warrant Officer for the Forward Support Company and responsible for supporting the battalion on account of the continuity of operations. This report is accurately planned to assist in the continuance of the functions. As a result of the disrupted communications wherein the GCSS-A, VSAT, Cellular Communications, Telecommunications, and Internet access have all been unable to transmit information to other battalion and military departments or divisions, provided that the maintenance personnel MTOE authorizations are filled at a rate of 90%. About 100% of our tool and MTOE authorizations are filled.
Contingency Operations of the Continuity Plan
This Plan ensures that upon the disruption of communication and inability to transmit messages, this Operations continuity plan shall continue to continue the military programs after being equipped in precisely the skill of assessment and observation to provide remedies and solutions. Subsequently, the list of steps to continue with the operations include the following:
1 As an Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer for the Forward Support Company, I have the responsibility and duty to extract data from GCSS-army before their deployment.
* Export data to Excel - the computer and web messaging systems are still up,
running, and operational, and only the COMMS are down. Thus the report and message formats aid the military units to prepare continually and manually pass written and voice reports and messages. Each format provides an organized template to record, pass, and store information. The purpose of this Excel Input of data is to have a managed service schedule to fix the inoperative communication lines:
i. Service Schedule
ii. All 5988
iii. Alert dispatches
iii. All shop stock listing
2. Update Standardized Operation Procedures (SOP) to reflect the cause of connectivity disruption and loss of ability to transmit communications to other battalion divisions:
A. Manual reporting - the reports could be computerized or written and sent to Commanding officers via mailing system or registered mails.
B. Manual Documentation - the filing system is still effective, and recording data or information could still be performed via this procedure.
C. Filing Hard Copies of the following documents:
i. DA Form 5988E or 2404
ii. DA Form 2407
iii. DA Form 2405
3. Procedural Sustainment planning between G4 and maintenance technician. This process gives an accurate and speedy resolution to the process of fixing the dilemma at hand. It is of primordial importance to immediately resolve the communications dilemma to be able to contact units, divisions and commanding officers in the main base in case of any probably attacks from enemy camps or in terms of friendly communication and the re-stock of good and military supplies (Morrow J., Casey J., 2008).
A. Command and Control- the ability to pursue and continue with the operations despite problems and issues in the communication is a challenge but attainable. The military includes emergency response techniques when there is an emergency if the communication lines are suddenly damaged or destroyed amid a military operation. The technical personal will speedily provide other modes of manual transmission of messages necessary for the operation's success.
B. Logistic Status Support - it is essential that as the line units of military electronic communications are being fixed, a report must be consistently and daily submitted to the Commanding Officers. As well as a definite or estimated time and day of completion of the job order to fix the communications must be given and relayed to the Officers in Co...
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