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Human Trafficking, Gender Inequality, and Globalization

Essay Instructions:

Human trafficking includes the involuntary movement of individuals within one country or from one country to another for physical labor and/or sexual exploitation. Human trafficking is a multibillion-dollar industry that affects tens of millions of people around the world. The United States is reported to be a frequent destination country where victims are brought to be exploited. However, it is not a social problem that receives a lot of attention or discussion.

After reviewing the required resources provided above, please address the following prompts related to human trafficking, gender inequality, and globalization:

Using the sociological imagination, describe the social problem of human trafficking, including the different types of human trafficking (i.e., forced labor versus commercial sex trafficking). In what way did the resources you reviewed change or challenge your assumptions about human trafficking?

What are some of the risk factors for people to become victims of human trafficking? In other words, who is at greatest risk of being trafficked?

What are at least two other social problems in society that contribute to these risk factors?

What are the gendered dimensions of human trafficking? In other words, why does trafficking disproportionately affect women and girls? In your explanation, be sure to address how this is this related to gender inequalities more broadly in society.

How has economic globalization led to a greater supply and demand for human trafficking? What is one other way that globalization has contributed to the problem of human trafficking?





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Human Trafficking, Gender inequality, and Globalization
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Human trafficking involves the use of force in abduction, recruitment and forced labor, and sexual exploitation. Traffickers use violence or fake promises through dubious employment agencies and education opportunities to trick their victims. Victims do not necessarily have to be transported across the borders for it to be considered trafficking. The exploitation can take place within a single-family or a community. Victims are subjected to forced labor, sexual exploitation, begging, crime, domestic servitude, marriage, or worse, organ removal. This essay looks into the world of the million-dollar industry of human trafficking and how it affects communities around the globe.
Modern assumptions regarding human trafficking are shallow and fail to delve deeper into the nature and impacts of the crime. Human trafficking is most of the time associated with sexual exploitation, and while the assumptions are accurate, they fail to factor in other factors. For instance, human trafficking is heavily embedded in the society’s identities of the 19th and 20th centuries. Most people assume that the world is free from any form of slavery only to find out the practice has been modernized. The world of human trafficking is multifaceted and is constantly adapting to the laws placed by law enforcement. In some instances, law enforcement is no help at all; instead, they amplify the victimization of unregistered workers. Therefore, people are challenged to be aware of their surroundings and how their favorite corporations treat service providers in their supply chain (Thrupkaew, 2015).
Vulnerable populations are the most likely to be approached to be exploited. War-torn countries affect the psychology of their citizens due to living in constant fear and limited chances of survival. Therefore, they are desperate for any form of escape from violence, conflict, and lawlessness. Desperation can be their biggest strength for survival and their biggest weakness (Wheaton, Schauer, & Galli, 2010). Political instability trickles down to society and causes broken homes meaning people of all ages are vulnerable to trafficking. Parents are vulnerable due to their desire to provide for and protect their families. Widows and orphans lack protection from the community or government, making them an easy target for exploitation. Other structural inequalities are racism and the legacy of colonization which is still present to date. Descendants of such a life have limited access to education, employment, and housing. Therefore, such societies are ...
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