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Consumption, Leisure, and Popular Culture

Essay Instructions:

It is the same as last time, just change the topic (Making a Living; Consumption, Leisure, and Popular Culture ; European Futures; ). Choose one topic to write about Europe。

For this assignment, you will choose a current issue connected to the topics we have discussed in this section of the class—namely,(Making a living),(Consumption,Leisure,and popular culture),(European Future)

 —to research further.  More specifically, you will be examining how this issue is discussed in news media.  To do this, you will need to find at least 3 news articles on your topic and summarize their viewpoints, identifying where their positions overlap and where they contradict each other. Some guidelines to keep in mind:

• Please note that this is not like a typical 5-paragraph essay where you are asked to describe an issue and list 3 references. Here you are writing about your issue as seen through the lens of your articles. In this sense, your assignment is almost as much about the articles you’re citing as it is the issue itself.

• Keep in mind that this is a news discussion, so we want to pick issues that are relatively current. You will therefore want to choose articles that are no more than 10 years old .

• Some good places to look for articles are the New  York  Times, the  Wall  Street  Journal, and the Economist, among others. You might also consider various European newspapers (e.g., Le Monde, The Telegraph, Der Spiegel.  Dagens Nyheter), as long as you are able to read them mostly on your own (i.e., without the help of Google Translate, et al., since machine translation can result in some hilarious mix-ups).  If you are not sure whether your article comes from a reputable source, please feel free to ask me.

• In-text citations: When you include direct quotes from the articles, be sure to put them in quotation marks and specify the source. Similarly, when you paraphrase a statement from an article, be sure to specify which article you are citing.

• Be sure to cite all sources on a separate page at the end of your assignment. This should not be just a list of links, but an actual formatted bibliography (see example on next page).  Any citation style is fine, as long as you are consistent. If you have no preference, APA style is fine.  DO NOT JUST COPY AND PASTE LINKS.

• Your assignment should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and a 12 pt standard font.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Consumption, Leisure, and Popular Culture
Consumption, Leisure, and Popular Culture
The relationship between consumption, leisure, and popular culture is increasingly interconnected. Leisure activities often involve the consumption of media, products, and experiences, leading to popular culture's emergence as a dominant force in our daily lives. However, the evolution of consumption and leisure patterns has also resulted in changes to popular culture. This paper will explore the dynamic interplay between consumption, leisure, and popular culture in various settings. This essay aims to explore the impact of changes in consumption and leisure on various industries, including incidental news consumption on social media (Boczkowski et al., 2018), print media outlets such as Le Monde, The Telegraph, Der Spiegel, and Dagens Nyheter, television programming (Jensen, 2015), and golf resorts (Edmondson, 2017). The essay will analyze the strategies that these industries have implemented to remain relevant in the face of shifting patterns in consumption and leisure. By studying these case studies, we can gain a deeper understanding of how popular culture is both influenced by and influences our consumption and leisure practices.
Incidental News Consumption on Social Media
Incidental news consumption refers to the practice of unintentionally encountering news and information, often during leisure time or due to exposure to it through social media or other platforms. According to Boczkowski et al. (2018), many individuals come across news stories while scrolling through their social media feeds. They typically only engage with the news after reading the headline or briefly scanning the article. The study highlights the significance of incidental news consumption in influencing how people interact with news and information and in shaping public opinion through social media.
Boczkowski et al. (2018) conducted a study that highlights the importance of understanding incidental news consumption practices on social media. The researchers found that individuals encounter news stories incidentally while participating in other leisure activities, such as scrolling through their social media feeds during downtime or waiting in queues. Additionally, incidental news consumption is typically characterized by brief interactions with news stories, with many people simply scrolling past headlines or skimming articles without fully engaging with the content. Consequently, incidental news consumption may have substantial implications for how individuals engage with news and information, as well as for the role of social media in shaping public opinion.
The impact of incidental news consumption on popular culture is substantial. As individuals increasingly rely on social media and other online platforms for leisure activities, these platforms will likely play an increasingly significant role in shaping cultural norms and public opinion. In addition, the fleeting and often cursory nature of incidental news consumption may indicate that individuals need to engage with news and information in a manner that fosters critical thinking or thorough analysis. This could have consequences for how individuals perceive and respond to intricate social and political issues and the role of news and information in shaping public discourse.
Print Media
The print media industry has undergone significant changes recently, mainly due to the evolution of consumption and leisure patterns. To...
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