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One Concept, Theory, or Insight from Steger: Asians Food

Essay Instructions:

In your response paper, identify an important concept, theory, or insight about globalization from Steger Chap. 2 and discuss it in relation to the assigned readings by Mintz "Asia's contributions to world cuisine" and Allen & Sakamoto "Sushi reverses course."
WORD LIMIT: 375-400 words (approximately three paragraphs)
Your response paper prepares you for Wed. recitation on Oct. 4, where you will have a chance to share your ideas about the readings in the course.
*The response paper is worth 5 pts. and will be graded based on the following rubric:
Response shows good understanding of at least one concept, theory, or insight from Steger Chap. 2 and applies it appropriately to both assigned readings (3 pts.)
Discussion is accurate and supported with appropriate examples (2 pts.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

ASIAN's food
Institutional Affiliation
ASIAN's Food
From Steger Chapter two: Globalization and history and in relation to the two readings: Mintz “Asia's contributions to world cuisine” and Allen & Sakamoto “Sushi reverses course,” we can start by giving globalization meaning based on all the three material. The sets base their arguments on the several perspectives. First, the materials express that there are deep historical roots that explain the contemporary development in social and economic interdependency as well as the rise in the worldwide imaginary. Additionally, the new technologies stand upon earlier ones which existed in centuries before for cultivation, processing, and use of food products (Mintz, 2009: Pg.4). Similarly, the new technologies increase human consciousness and contacts. Technologies include the Internet, cell phones, digital cameras, HD TVs, satellites, and space travel. Thus, progress in humanity towards globality is marketed by crossing through crucial technological thresholds.
However, globalization applies to several social processes which appear to bring transformation to our current social conventional nationality condition into a globality one. Additionally, the local and national conditions, are transforming their character because of our revolution towards globalit...
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