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My Philosophy Paper: Building An Artificial Mind

Essay Instructions:

First Paper Questions
These are suggested paper topics for your first paper 5-7 page paper. If you wish to write on some topic other than one I suggest here, talk to me about it. The papers are to be approximately 5-7 pages (1500-2100 words) long, double-spaced, with normal margins, and normal (12 point) font. Remember to adequately characterize the position you are addressing, and to give, argue for, and defend your own views. Your paper is due October 2, by 11 PM. Email the paper in Word format. The subject line of your email should be "My philosophy paper" (without the quotation marks).
1. Either there are two kinds of substance -- mental and material -- or there is just one substance. We have good reason to believe that the theory which holds that there are two substances (Dualism) is false, so there must be just one substance. If there is one substance, then either mental properties are identical with physical properties, or they are distinct from physical properties. But the theory that mental properties are identical with physical properties is chauvinistic, so mental properties must be distinct from physical properties. But then, because there is only one substance, mental events must be identical to physical events. The theory that holds this -- Functionalism -- is also chauvinistic (and too liberal). The only other possibility is that there are no mental properties, but this theory (Behaviorism) doesn't work either. How do we solve this puzzle? In answering this question, be sure to defend your theory against the objections raised to it in class.
2. The argument above relies on the assumption that there is mind-body causation. Argue that this assumption is unjustified and provide a theory that accounts for the data (the apparent mind-body causation), but which denies the assumption.
3. Functionalism may be just one way of cashing out the idea that mental events and physical events are identical, but that mental properties and physical properties are non-identical (or, if you prefer, that there is only one substance, but two kinds of properties). Can you suggest another way of cashing out this idea, one that doesn't have the flaws of Functionalism?
4. Do you believe that one day it may be possible to build an artificial mind (e.g., a computer that is able to genuinely think)? What theory of the mind-body relationship do you hold and how does it fit with your answer to the question about the possibility of artificial minds?
5. Perhaps there is room in logical space for a different sort of theory. If so, what is it?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Building an Artificial Mind
Your Name
Your Institution of Affiliation
October 3, 2017
Throughout the years, the relationship between the mind and the body has been one of the most commonly studied in almost any field of study. In the realm of philosophy, this concept has always been debated, more specifically when it comes to how does the mind and consciousness interacts and affects the body, and vice versa. In the scientific field, most of us would notice that the mind and the body is seen as two interconnected and interdependent parts which makes up a human being. Usually, this connection between is explained and portrayed in terms of the connection between the neurons to muscles and to the other parts of the body. However, in philosophy, the greater question is about how mind, as well as an even more abstract concept of the consciousness, affects a more concrete system, which is our body. In line with this article, the author would like to place primary focus on this concept of the mind-body causation. As of today, it is apparent that there exist a heavy debate about the nature of this causation. Nonetheless, the author would discuss an even more distinct concept, which is the “artificial mind”. In the succeeding sections, he would mostly focus on the idea of how does the mind-body causation applies to something “artificial”. After this, he would then focus on expounding the idea of creating a an artificial mind that “genuinely thinks”. Nevertheless, he believes that despite being artificial, the kind of mind that we would discuss is certainly capable of genuinely thinking, having its own consciousness, and affecting its own “body”, given that we have reached the point (which are already happening) where these minds could already be regarded as “agents” of their own will, rather than free observers.
The Concept of the Artificial Mind
In order to progress with the discussion of the mind-body causation and the artificial mind, it would be best to first discuss what an “artificial mind” is and does, in the scientific standpoint. This would provide the possibility to bridge the gap between the scientific advancements of today with our topic at hand. One of the most common misconception about the artificial mind (or artificial intelligence), is that they cannot be truly humans for the fact that they cannot “understand human emotions”. While this is partly true, a significant part of thinking this way is false because these days, plenty of reports have stated that scientists are on the verge of creating a kind of Artificial Intelligence that could understand human emotions CITATION Bea16 \l 1033 (Beall, 2016). Adding to the fact that there are plenty of developments which have already created a “self-conscious machines”, then the ‘once-so-abstract’ concept of a “genuinely thinking” mind (in the scientific sense) is not as far-fetched as it once was. However, let us assume that human technology could already reach the point where we could create machines – which could genuinely think and have their own consciousness – does this mean that “philosophically” they are “genuinely thinking”? Based on the author’s opinion, this is the point where there exist a need to bridge the gap between the scientific standpoint as well as the philosophical one. More particularly using a philosophical concept, which is “agency”.
The Agency
In Philosophy and the Social Sciences, the “Agency” is usually viewed as entity’s ability to act in any given environment, based on his own wills and desires. In other words, agency refers to one’s consciousness and its capability of realizing his thoughts “intentionally” CITATION Sta15 \l 1033 (Stanford.edu, 2015). Note in the statement above that the agency does not only refer to humans but to a more general population that is termed as an “entity”. Aside from this the author also placed a heavy emphasis on the word “intentionally” which denotes the idea that whatever the entity does, he is indeed doing it based on his own free will. In retro...
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