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Comparison of Antifa and White Supremacist

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will develop a framework to outline your research paper for this course that will be due in week 7.

For this assignment you will outline your research paper by doing the following:

Pick 2 domestic extremist or terrorist groups to analyze ( one left wing, one right wing). See below for more information on the 8 categories of domestic extremists’ threat group to choose from. Include the two chosen domestic extremist or terrorist groups in your title or subtitle. The title of your paper should be brief but should adequately inform the reader of your general topic and the specific focus of your research. Keywords relating to parameters, population, and other specifics are useful.

Develop a purpose statement for your research paper. The purpose statement orients the reader to the central intent of the study and from it all other aspects of the research project follow. The purpose statement should be a concise paragraph that describes the intent of the final research paper, specifically address the reason(s) for conducting the study and reflects the research questions. Begin the purpose statement with a succinct sentence that indicates the study method and overarching goal. “The purpose of this study is to…( describe the study goal that directly reflects and encompasses the research questions).

Craft research question(s). Present here the specific research question(s) which will be addressed in the upcoming research paper assignment. 

Write a draft outline. Explain the sections you plan to use in your research paper.

Include a reference list of at least eight scholarly sources. Ensure you use only scholarly sources from the required readings as well as conducting your own outside research. See this APUS Library discussion on How do I find peer reviewed or scholarly articles?

Details on the research paper assignment ( due at the end of week 7):

Select two domestic extremist or terrorist organizations within the United States and complete an in-depth profile of both groups. One group must be right wing, and the other left wing. Write a graduate level research paper that provides a description of each organization including their ideology, goals & objectives, political actions, propaganda techniques, and specifics of their violent actions. Also address their recruitment and radicalization process. Then compare and contrast your two selected groups within your research paper. Finally, you are to discuss counter violent extremism approaches that asses would be effective if employed against both groups.

For this research paper we are looking at extremists inspired by domestic causes within the U.S. from both the left wing and right wing. The FBI generally describes domestic extremist causes or ideology by listing the following threat categories:


. Abortion Extremist ( such as the Christian Identity Movement)

. Militia Extremist

. Sovereign Citizen Extremists

. White Supremacy Extremists


. Animal Rights Extremists

. Anarchy Extremists and Anti- Fascists ( Antifa)

. Black Nationalist Extremists

. Environmental Extremists

Technical Requirements

. Your paper must be at a minimum of 2-3 pages ( the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).

. Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.

.Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.

. Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.

. Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sou. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

. All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research Paper Framework Assignment
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
"Comparison of Antifa and White Supremacist"
Extremist groups like Antifa and White Supremacists have significantly risen in the US political climate today (Ruddy, 2022). This study aims to critically evaluate and contrast the ideologies, goals, and operational strategies of the White Supremacist and Antifa movements and illuminate the nuance and complexity of these diverse extremist groups by probing their core motivations, recruitment strategies, and associated online tactics. This investigation is being conducted to deepen academic understanding of these movements and to assist law enforcement and policymakers in developing more intelligent and successful counterterrorism measures against the rising tide of domestic extremism. Hence, it offers preventative measures to promote societal harmony and lessen potential threats from understanding the movements' operating principles.
Research Question
The following are the research questions to consider;
* How do the larger political and social goals of Antifa and White Supremacist movements align with and contrast with one another?
* How similar or dissimilar are the recruitment, propaganda, and coordination strategies used by Antifa and White Supremacist movements on the internet?
* How can understanding the causes of radicalization within these movements and the frustrations that fuel it lead to effective countermeasures against extremism?
(Left-Wing) Antifa Movement
In opposition to perceived authoritarian tendencies and fascist ideologies, Antifa is adamant. Their main goal is to resist and combat these ideologies, working to oppose right-wing rallies and stop hate speech from spreading (Baker, 2023). Nadales (2020) documents Antifa's political strategy as consisting primarily of demonstrations and confrontations with right-wing activists. Digital platforms serve as the primary means of distributing messages and coordinating activities. Contrasts with right-wing organizations and law enforcement have occasionally turned violent, although these counterprotests are typically nonviolent. Due to its decentralized structure, Antifa can use social media platforms for recruitment (Krafft & Donovan, 2020). Radicalization often results from firsthand encounters and regular exposure to online material vehemently opposed to fascism.
(Right-Wing) White Supremacist Movement
Distinctively, White Supremacists promote the notion that the white race is superior and that all other racial and ethnic groups are inferior. Their objectives primarily revolve around the protection of white identity, the restriction of immigration, and, in more extreme instances, the displacement of individuals not of white ethnicity (Smith & King, 2021). In addition to organizing rallies, disseminating propaganda, and trying to infiltrate traditional political arenas, they also engage in online echo chamber behavior. Their racial dominance ideologies are spread via printed materials and online resources. According to Meleagrou-Hitchens, Crawford, and Wutke (2021), individuals known as "accelerationists" in this movement are associated with efforts to hasten the collapse of society, and there have been ...
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