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Comparing the Nationalisms of UAE and the USA

Essay Instructions:

Word Count: 2000 (min.) – 2500 (max.) words

1. Select TWO existing nation-states, including at least one from the Middle East Nations Chosen (UAE and USA) however if the writer believes another combination is better they may suggest

2. Write a comparative essay which attempts to investigate the similarities and differences between your selected nations’ forms of nationalism

3. This comparison should probe into the following overall themes for each nation:

a. Brief sketch or description of the national ideology (the ‘ism’ of the nation, e.g. Egypt = Egyptianism).

b. Origins and short history.

c. Has nationalist identity undergone a change or reconfiguration? Why?

d. Has the current nationalism been successful in achieving (and maintaining) autonomy, unity, and a strong unifying sense of identity?

e. What are the current problems and challenges?

f. What are the future prospects for the nationalisms of the selected nations?

4. The essay should be constructed in a way that demonstrates the student’s grasp of the concepts and theoretical discussions covered in the course. ( I can share some course files and slides if needed)

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Comparing the Nationalisms of the UAE and the USA

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Comparing the Nationalisms of the UAE and the USA


Nationalism is one of the most complex and powerful ideologies that keep shaping the world order and instilling new dynamics in human existence both individually and collectively. The concept of nationalism stems from the feeling of shared identity and the sense of belonging for a people. In present-day society, nationalism steers the creation of nation-states as well as outlining the dynamics of relationships among different nations. In this analysis, emphasis is put on comparing the nationalisms of the US and UAE. The United States of America and UAE superficially showcase differences stemming from their cultures and geographical locations, prospects that can set a background for further exploration of the two nations. In this analysis, efforts are put into understanding the scope of the variations and the implications of each prospect of nationalism to the individual nations. This essay is vital in understanding the two (UAE and USA) nations as it showcases variations in their nationalisms and still examines how such differences instill a continuous evolution in aspects like cultural cohesion, social identity, and global politics.

American Nationalism

The United States of America is among the nations with the most identifiable courses of nationalism bearing the uniqueness that the nation showcases relative to others. The US traces its origins to the late 17th century and early 18th century with the invasion of the British to the original 13 colonies (Ewert, 2022). Until the mid-18th century, Americans identified with Britain. However, in 1754, the Albany Plan suggested the union among the colonies, something that triggered the creation of the first sense of being American. The acts passed by the British in aspects such as taxation and land ownership triggered more sense of unity among Americans, which culminated in independence in 1776 (Lowry, 2019). The Declaration of Independence was accompanied by various ceremonies and rituals like the creation of a new flag that created a platform for people to express the spirit of American nationalism. American nationalism was strengthened by the creation of the constitution that outlined the nation as a constitutional liberal democracy in 1789 (Haselby, 2015). The adoption of a new constitution was vital in uniting people from different states to a unified democratic course. Before the Constitution, most Americans preferred their states to the nation.

American nationalism is still an evolving prospect as showcased by its curated changes throughout different historical periods. Importantly, American nationalism is anchored deeply in the nation’s political ideology, values, and history of all the people and states that form America (Ewert, 2022). From a superficial view, American nationalism is evident with citizens showing loyalty to the United States. Nationalism in the US also attracts a sense of pride and identity among the citizens. Throughout history, prospects like the westward expansion and the American Civil War shaped the relationships among different people within the US (Haselby, 2015). The World Wars and the Cold War are some of the 

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