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Compare authoritarian to Democratic Government

Essay Instructions:

1. Review the North Korean documentary. What type of government does the country have and how does the leader treat his people? What is juche and how does this concept affect the society’s perception of their place in the world?

2. Documentary site: http://fod(dot)infobase(dot)com(dot)eznvcc(dot)vccs(dot)edu:2048/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=58691

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Compare authoritarian to democratic government
Institutional Affiliation
Type of government in North Korea and how the leader treats his people
North Korea has the authoritarian type of government. According to the documentary, Authoritarianism in the country forces citizens to conform to the government and follow its rules without opposition and freedom to question or act. A small group of people controls the country’s power through heredity and without citizens electing them. Further, the leader aims at advancing his interests at the expense of the population. In the documentary, Supreme leader Kim Jong Un’s aim is having total control of the country as opposed to reducing the poverty levels of the country, ensuring there is sufficient food and caring for the street children. Additionally, he utilizes force, domination, and violence to keep the citizens in order. He employs fear, severe punishment imprisonment and death for those who dare speak up against him, and tortures individuals and all their relatives for breaking the law such as trying to defect to South Korea.
Supreme leader Kim Jong Un oppresses his people. First, despite the numerous human rights enshrined in the country’s constitution, the documentary shows that he denies the people freedom of free speech by ensuring all the information the citizens get comes from government-run media. He denies them freedom of movent around and outside the country whereby citizens found trying to leave the country end up in prisons or killed on the spot. Freedom of expression is non-existent. Thus, citizens cannot...
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