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Empathy And Self Awareness Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

I need to know how would you develop empathy and self awareness in a group setting as you are the leader of the group what are each of them and how would you develop each in a group setting. give a example of each must be subsutaly post and references

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Empathy and Self-Awareness
Empathy and Self-Awareness
Empathy is the act of understanding and sharing other people's feelings, emotions, and it is necessary for building a good work environment and personal life Molenberghs (2017).
A leader is required to show resonance. A leader can induce positive feelings and emotions to the members of the group, and this determines the performance of the group. Leaders act in the best way if they understand their feelings and those of the members hence prioritizing the group activities (Fowler, 2014). As a leader, I would work towards developing positive attitude and beliefs among the members to ensure better performance, for example when members perceive the organization negatively.
Self-control is another essential aspect. A good team leader should be able to control their emotions and anger towards others and maintain integrity in handling personal and group matters (Molenbergs, 2017). Being a team leader, I would strive to manage my emotions and calm down whenever offended through avoiding arguments when angry until I am relaxed to deal with the matter, for example when wronged.
A leader should be a good listener and a problem solver. A team leader must be a good problem solver by assisting the ...
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