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Comments on 2-1 and 2-2: Christian Beliefs, Worldviews

Essay Instructions:

I need a total of four comments one on Helena 2-1 statement,Emily 2-1 statement, Marcties 2-1 comment and one on Anglea 2-2 statement all must be substantially comments with it own reference to back up your comment and one in cite situation for each comment with a reference page I need in 5 days Make each comment equal in words as you can. a total of 4 I made a mistake and send the wrong paper instructions yesterday this is the corrected instructions

How can a counselor with Christian beliefs demonstrate the golden rule when working with clients who have diverse worldviews?So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.' (www. counseling. cc)

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Comments on 2-1 AND 2-2
Helena 2-1 statement comments
I agree that when a counselor with Christian belief needs to demonstrate golden rule when working with clients from diverse worldviews by not imposing his beliefs on clients. Counselor needs to learn to separate his personal beliefs from his professional career. Counselor should be in control by working in the best interest of the clients by putting their needs first. I do agree that in certain situation it is natural to react differently from the client’s beliefs; however, counselors should be honest and respect all humans regardless of their background (Chan-Serafin, Brief & George, 2013).
Chan-Serafin, S., Brief, A. P., & George, J. M. (2013). Perspective—how does religion matter? And why? Religion and the organizational sciences. Organization Science, 24(5), 1585-1600.
Emily 2-1 statement comments
I do believed that it’s not easy to who or what is exactly is the higher power as a Christian but the most important practice is to always follow the golden rule of “do unto others as you have them do unto you”. This is a standard principle that is applicable in our day-to-day endeavors .As a counselor the main concern is how to make clients comfortable as they find solutions guided by the counselor. Counselor need to treat their patients equally and with respect (Lee, Gordon & Whitman, 2015).
Lee, J., Gordon, P. B., & Whitman, G. J. (2015). “Do Unto Others as Y...
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