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Comments On Responses to Three 7-1 And One 7-2 Questions

Essay Instructions:

I need a total of 4 comment Kirar, Steve and Vincent on there post of 7-1 the question is the same. then one on 7-2 for Edwina she has two pages all comments has their own reference. all comments must be substantive please and references are to be substantive. The question for 7-2 is different. Both questions are on the instructions. Need in four days

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Comments On Responses to Three 7-1 And One 7-2 Questions.
Institutional Affiliation
Comments On Responses to Three 7-1 And One 7-2 Questions.
Kiara responds to the question, basing the argument on the counseling profession's code of ethics. The approach to determining the most valuable services of the agency and referring the other clients to others that can cater for their needs is the best technique to address the issue. A counselor has the primary responsibility for fostering client welfare and make ethical decisions that advance the same (Cottone, Tarvydas & Cottone, 2007).
On the other hand, Steve employs analytical and management skills to generate a solution. Miller (2007), explains that analytical skills are critical in evaluating the various options and choosing the best. The determination of the services to offer based on the available personnel skills would make sure that the agency concentrates on the areas that they can adequately handle and refer the rest. Additionally, having community training programs would also help reduce the number of people that visit the agency.
Vincent bases his views on the ACA ethics code that dictates that a counselor promotes the client’s welfare and respects them (ACA, 2014). The approach is to have collaborations with other professionals and connect with health agencies that can provide services for referrals. However, there is the lack of a proper description of how he will come up with the final decision concerning the issues.
Edwina promptly and accurately addresses the issues that the question presents. By emphasizing and explaining the client’s progress and the challenge the stoppage of care would cause, the clinician might see the need for continued treatment. Edwina also provides an alternative if the first fails where the services can be given without payment to ensure the well-being of the client. According to counseling ethics, a counselor should find ways to make sure that a patient completes their treatment sessions (Welfel, 2002). Also, Edwina outlines the options that would not be ethical. Collusion with the client to misrepresent information or to abandon them would not support the standards of counseling practice.

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