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Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Collage Art in Racial Discrimination

Essay Instructions:

Hi writer,

I have the other assignment, I list the assignment requirement for you.

Throughout the semester, as you are reading, watching, and listening to class material, think about how the historical patterns discussed are reflected in issues, conflicts, injustices, etc. in our current moment. In the most creative way possible, illustrate your understanding of the connections between past and present understandings and injustices fueled by racism. This includes intersectional oppression. In other words, come up with an alternative media form rather than a written depiction – this is called an UnEssay.

This assignment is an exercise in constructing a coherent visual statement. This means that you will have to make decisions about what points you want to cover.

Allow the following questions to guide the development of your illustration/artistic statement:

-What aspect of the current moment will you discuss? Select 1 or 2 key issues or representative events

-Select specific historical patterns to discuss and connect to the current moment

-Try to be as synthetic as possible. Address how ideas/factors/events/etc. are related and to one another versus treating them separately

You should have a minimum of 12 references. Up to 6 should be class readings/videos/podcasts. 6 should be from non-academic sources. The center of the UnEssay project this semester is based on a few characteristics: students choose their own topics, they present it in any way they choose, and we ( TA, Bea) evaluate based on how compelling it is. The idea is to break away from the traditional essay and encourage students to take a different approach to the assignment. It requires some creativity.

An important note about the UnEssay is that you can turn in the most creative thing, but if you don’t fully answer the prompt, we can’t give you full credit. Fully responding to the prompt is the most important aspect for the UnEssay.

To fully complete this assignment, you must also include an explanation of your project, which serves to help clarify and illustrate how you answered the prompt. A good way to think about this explanation is to think of the plaques that accompany pieces in museums. A good refresher for these plaques’ content can be found for free, and virtually, would be on Google Arts and Culture exhibit.

Your explanation must be 3-4 paragraphs.

A few examples of an UnEssay*:




-Stream (on Twitch, YouTube, etc.)



-TikTok Posts

*This list is not comprehensive!

Score requirements:

-This UnEssay constitutes a critical and active engagement with the course material that shows insight and creativity while also demonstrating time and effort devoted to creating something thoughtful.

-The chosen medium works persuasively with the design and polish of the UnEssay. The project’s structural and formal elements productively serve the core concept of the unessay. The UnEssay includes a clear and insightful connection between your chosen aspect of the current moment and historical patterns.

-This UnEssay comes with a clearly stated explanation. This will include your thesis and an explanation of how your UnEssay responds to the prompt.

Also, please also use the materials that were used in other assignments before. if need. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Collage Art in Racial Discrimination
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Collage Art in Racial Discrimination
Historians have always noted the transitions of how racial discrimination has been revolving since and later bring us to the consent of the world we live in. The inclusion of these previous events is what we need to shape the current century by introducing policies safeguarding every race’s rights. The project focuses on the racial discrimination appearing in the pictures, which has its source from the past with example of Chinese exclusion, the question of Iranian-Americans are the people of color, the Nationalization of White Trash, the Race in North America, and the scientific analogy of Race and Gender.
The Chinese exclusion from Europe marks a significant argument about gender and immigration policies on the current politics and administration (Paula, 2021). The images show the use of Chinese immigrants working in agriculture and the railways. Currently, California is a pro-immigrant state since the anti-Chinese agitation in the late 1800s (Johnson, 2021). California’s act aims to rebuild a good relationship with China with the kind of activity shown in the arts. However, the activism led to the implementation of new immigration laws concerning discrimination. The exclusion of women from the 1875 Page Act brought about later government acts of removing immigrants (Johnson, 2021). The Iranian-Americans have fallen under similar situations of discrimination with the example of the United States of America National Census that took place in 2010. The Iranians identified themselves as whites, but the country was against them having movements claiming, “Check it right, you are not white.” An image from the picture shows American Protestants advocating for the deportation of Iranians. The image discloses the myth of Aryan on the history of race formation on the superiority of Iranians.
The literature on sociology regarding America confirms Americans’ obsession with race superiority (Mahdi, 2017). The current discrimination imposed on other races is clearly shown in the picture on how Americans were thirsty with having the weak races in their country dividing themselves with the example of the image showing a divided place for the colored. Projects and every government distribution are being done differently according to race. The discriminatory practices ha...
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