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Climate Change Problems

Essay Instructions:

It should be Problem and solutions essay. you need use least 3 scholar article be your sources. it is language class essay, so try to make it simple, like a international students writing . i will send outline to you, thank you!

40 points ( 5 points for each section)

A. Hook - could be a startling statistic/fact, an anecdote, quote, rhetorical questionB. Background information leading to thesis statementC. Thesis statement (including both problem and solution)
Section 1 - Problem (3-4 paragraphs)
A. Topic Sentence - Introduce, define & describe the problem
1. Describe/define problem2. Includes causes and/or factual information reader may need to understand problem3. Citations
B. Topic Sentence - Explain why the social effect of the problem. 1. Gives 2-3 effects of the problem2. Citations
C. Topic Sentence - Seriousness/Consequences
1. Negative affects/severity2. Citations Transition sentence(s) to lead into the solution.
Section 2 - Solution (3 -4 paragraphs)
A. Nickerson & R. Rebman


D. Topic Sentences - Solution(s) 1-2 paragraphs
1. Explain solution2. Indicate steps to solutions) if applicable3. Citations
E. Topic Sentence -Evaluate Limitations to Proposed Solutions (counterargument) 1. Critically evaluates proposed solutionsF. Topic Sentence - How will you address the solution limitations (refutation) 1. Gives ways to overcome or address solution limitationsConclusion (Can include some of the following, but not necessarily all)
A. Summary statement/restate thesisB. Relate to the world today or prediction for the futureC. Call to action/final thought/recommendationNickerson & R. Rebman

Words Characters Reading time 
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Climate Change
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Is the world's weather changing a lot? Research indicates that the current changes in weather are as a result of global warming. This is what defines climate change. Weather control initiatives have been put in place to come up with various solutions that could sustain the future of the world and male it a suitable place to live in (Urban, 2015). If measures are not taking to compact the causes of global warming, then it is expected that in future years, human beings will not be able to survive on earth. The world has become one degree hotter as compared to the temperatures that it had in the mid-19th century. Therefore, this is an indication that if the temperatures keep on rising, then the earth will be too hot to support life. These changes in temperature are now notable over short periods. For instance, 2016 was 0.68 degrees warner while 2017 was 0.8 degrees warmer. This means that in the near future, the temperature will have increased at a very high rate. Therefore, the increase in climate change has resulted in a lot of social impacts on humans and various solutions have to be implemented to compact the climate change.
As a result of climate change, the world is growing warmer hence affecting most of the activities that dictate the survival of the human race. Climate change can also be defined as the statistical change in the weather patterns that last for a long period. Climatic change is being caused by both natural and manmade activities. Among the natural activities are the plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions. However, most of the cause are manmade activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. Such activities increase the number of greenhouse gasses being released in the environment. Such gases contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer which, result in increased global temperatures. Research indicates that over the past century, climatic change has been as a result of manmade activities. Among the factors indicating that adverse effects of climatic change are the changes in weather patterns, increased temperature, melting of the ice caps and an increase in the sea level. Desert encroachments in certain areas of the world is also evidence to climate change. Scientists are actively using observation and theoretical models to come up with a specific pattern about climate change. Their study will help a lot in predicting the future of global warming and testing whether the implemented methods to compact climate change have been a success. The US government is in the lead of investing in climate studies, and it is expected that the whole world will join in the effort of making the world habitable in the future. This can only be made possible by reducing the causes of global warming.
The main social impact of climate change is that it will affect certain groups of people more as compared to other people. For instance, the people living in coastal regions will face the challenge of coastal storms. These storms could result in the loss of property and life, hence, making those areas to be inhabitable. Given the fact that such communities have nowhere to move to, then they will continue to face the impacts of the rising sea levels. This calls for the world to come up with strategies that could result in making the lives of such individuals better by dealing with the causes of the coastal storms and the rising sea level.
As well, communities living in drought-prone areas will continue facing a challenge because the increase in global temperatures has increased the levels of drought in such areas. The drought would result in the loss of human and wildlife. This is evidence by the encroachment of most of the desert areas. Communities living in such areas are facing a scarcity of water which is essential to life. In addition, professions and industries related to weather and climate are also facing a challenge as a result of climate change. For instance, agriculture in drought prone areas has become a nonreliable means of earning a living. Outdoor tourism and commerce are also being affected by such changes. Areas that were once tourist attraction sites have become normal ...
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