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Climate Change in Arizona Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Identify the location of your case study. It may be a city, a metropolitan region, part of a country, or possibly a whole country (but not a large one like the USA or China). It may be the place you grew up in, somewhere you know very well or want to find out more about.

Identify an environmental issue from four of Units 2-7, and describe and explain how it has, is, or is predicted to affect your case study area

Identify what is being done to deal with this issue – have local organizations forced changed? Have national or international organizations demanded change? Has the issue being solved? What are the reasons why a problem is not being addressed, if it is not?

Conclude the assignment by demonstrating how these issues are linked? For example, is resource extraction in an area contributing to local environmental pollution, but also global climate change. Are local environmental groups (or other activists) focusing on one problem, or trying to address multiple issues?

10% of the mark will be for appropriate identification of a case study location

60% of the mark will be for identification of issues associated with each of the four Unit’s chosen, and how they are being dealt with

20% of the mark will be for demonstrating how these issues are (or aren’t) linked

10% will be for overall coherence, and appropriate referencing

There is no restriction on where you choose to study, but it might help to focus on a place with on-going environmental issues. For example, I might choose the state of West Virginia. I might then explore:

Unit 2 – The impacts of climate change in this region

Unit 3 – The impacts of mountaintop removal/strip mining on West Virginia

Unit 6 – The 2016 floods in Southern West Virginia

Unit 7 – Challenges to agriculture in West Virginia

When linking these issues I might explore whether climate change is predicted to make farming harder, make flooding happen more frequently, and whether moves to move to non-fossil fuel sources (in order to address global climate change) affect the demand for the resource extracted in West Virginia (coal). I will happily help you develop your own appropriate case study, but please have a think before emailing me with questions.

The assignment should be submitted as a .docx file, with clear section headings, an introduction and appropriate, consistent referencing. Font choice and size etc. is at your discretion

Logins will be provided

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Climate Change in Arizona
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Climate Change in Arizona
The dry, hot Arizona is perceived as ground zero for climate change. As such, the accelerating climate change of Arizona calls for urgent science-based, innovative strategies. Over the past century, Arizona's temperature has increased by 3 degrees (F) and is estimated by the American environmental protection agency to rise by 6 degrees (F) by the year 2060. The climate is changing because of global warming caused by increased carbon dioxide emissions by 50% since the early 1900s. Greenhouse gases are impacting negatively on ice covers and the world's oceans, which are turning acidic. The common heat waves in Arizona negatively impact the state by causing snow to melt early during spring, convert rangelands to deserts, decrease the flow of the Colorado River, threaten livestock health, and raise the frequency of wildfires. Both local, national, and international organizations demand change for climate change in Arizona.
Climate change reduces snowpacks or the amount of snow that accumulates over in Arizona during the winter seasons. Increased climate warming leads to reduced snowfall due to the high melting of snow during winter. The environmental protection agency shows a decreased snowpack level since the 1960s, as evidenced by less mountainous regions in all basins around the Colorado River. The diminishing snowpack lowers water supplies and shortens winter sports like skiing and other recreational activities. Climate change in the region impacts negatively on water availability. The supply of water is decreased whereas the need is increased. Higher temperatures in the area lead to increased evaporation rates affecting the soil, plants, and farmlands, which require more water. Mountain snow-packs act as natural reservoirs, but dams capture more melted water over the past 60 years, but reservoirs contain less water during droughts (Berardy & Chester, 2017). Thus, adverse climatic conditions will lead to drier soils, short rain periods, and severe drought.
Climate change in Arizona causes more droughts, an aspect that impacts the state's agriculture sector. Top agricultural products like vegetables, cattle, and dairy are affected by hot temperatures. Similarly, wildfires that occur practically reduce clean air and change the landscapes. Dry and warm conditions cause the forests to be susceptible to pests year-round. Pests feed on plants and also cause diseases. Besides, hot seasons are unhealthy and cause dehydration. Moreover, respiratory or heart diseases like asthma are escalated, leading to premature deaths. Climate change also affects the tribal communities affecting grazing fields. Besides, high te...
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