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Class 518 Comments: Bio Psychosocial Framework, Sociocultural Factors

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these is my comments for my new class 518 Human growth answers must be substantially with a in text citation on each and a reference please read instructions which they are added. Then there is a chart that must be done

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Class 518 Comments
Class 518 Comments
1 The Bio psychosocial framework looks at the intersections of sociocultural factors, life cycle forces, biological and psychological factors and how these act as contributing factors to disease and ailments CITATION Pen10 \l 1033 (Penney, 2010). An understanding of the framework requires an empirical examination of the contributing factors and how they inter-relate with each other. The framework enables us to understand a child's development by examining the psychological position of the child about what is expected at that age CITATION Gha09 \l 1033 (Ghaemi, 2009). The Life cycle factor looks at how individual respond to events that occur in their lives differently and uniquely compared to other individuals. The child’s mental capacity and their biological and physical characteristics can also be evaluated against the framework to determine the child’s growth is on track. The framework provides me as a Professional Counselor with a mechanism against which I can juxtapose my clients to determine the best remedy to issues affecting them.
2 Piaget theorizes that a human being follows a pre-determined growth cycle with minor deviations from the normCITATION Pia77 \l 1033 (Elkind, 2008). Piaget’s theory has 4 stages of development namely; sensorimotor period (0-2years) , preoperational period (2-7 years) , concrete operational period (7-11 years), and formal operational period (11years and up). These stages are linear in nature and one stage gives way to another as a child develops. The theory looks at the intellectual development of an individual by examining their mental capacity as the individual transits from infancy, adolescence, and puberty to adulthood CITATION Com08 \l 1033 (Commons, 2008). Piaget notes that initial stages of a child’s life are critical for intellectual development. In the first 12 months after birth, the brain is developing creating neurons and expanding its capacity to process information. Low birth weight especially due to preterm delivery causes a child to have synapses that are not properly developed. The child, therefore, will have as they develop difficulty in adjusting psychologically to the new paradigm. It will also affect their intellectual functioning and general physical health.
2.1 The topics of discussion would be;
* Parental Involvement
* Intellectual development of the child
* Physical development of the child
* Parental expectations for the child Versus their ability
I would lead with, a discussion on the intellectual development of the child. I would lay emphasis on the need to encourage the child to venture from their comfort zones. I would inform the parents of the importance of the child developing this level of initiative at an early stage CITATION Cra11 \l 1033 (Crain, 2011).
2.2 Women in the previous generation were the primary caregivers for children. Their incursion into the workplace has created a vacuum in the child's life. The child is unable to identify an individual with which to develop the bond necessary to create a strong attachment. Alternative caregivers while necessary in bridging the gap do not succinctly fill it. There is, therefore, a need to ensure that the parents of a child create a mechanism within which an individual provides the care necessary to ensure the child develops an attachment to this individual/s. In so doing, the child is assured that they have someone they can depend on as they explore their world CITATION Lan13 \l 1033 (Landa & Duschinsky, 2013).
3.1 To the mother, I would inform her that children are gifted differently. As ...
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