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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
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City Politics: Fear of Crime and Fear of Cultural Difference

Essay Instructions:

Your essay should be between 500-750 words. This is roughly 4-5 “normal length” paragraphs. For context, the paragraphs below each question are about 100 words and five to six sentences long. Try to be succinct and avoid repeating points you have already made in the essay.

*The exam is non-cumulative, but if you would like to include information from the first half of the term in the essays, you are allowed to do so.

2) Law, crime, and disorder are central to city politics. However, as we have seen, these issues can sometimes be “used” by certain groups to advance their own interests. The “fear of crime” and “fear of cultural difference” are potent forces in local politics. What is at stake in debates over crime, disorder, and the regulation of daily life in multicultural cities like Toronto? How can social scientists inform these debates through careful research? Be nuanced in your answers and discuss specific examples of how conflicts over crime and disorder are “socially constructed.”

*Please carefully read the slides and lecture notes for week 9 and 10 and make sure you are clear on what is meant by social constructionism before attempting to answer this question. We do not advise using “conventional” or “mainstream” understandings of crime and disorder in your response.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

City Politics

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City Politics


City politics is integrally interconnected with legislation, criminality, and chaos, with these concerns frequently acting as platforms for specific factions to promote their agendas. Complex and subtle conversations about crime, disorder, and daily life in multicultural Toronto. This essay explores the complicated nature of these disagreements, concentrating on "fear of crime" and "fear of cultural difference." The premise is that social scientists may help comprehend these arguments by researching how crime and disorder are socially produced.

The Squeegee Kid Phenomenon in Toronto

An illustrative instance of the societal construction of crime and disorder in Toronto is the situation with the "squeegee kids." From 1995 to 2000, these homeless youths resorted to cleaning windscreens at busy intersections as a way to survive socially and economically. Nevertheless, by 1997, there was a significant change in public attitude, as the squeegee kids were no longer 

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