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Josip Broz (Tito) Leadership in Yugoslavia

Essay Instructions:

Write about Tito´s activities during WWII, how he got to power in Yugoslavia and his policies during the communist period in Yugoslavia. His disputes with the Soviets

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Josip Broz (Tito) Leadership in Yugoslavia



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Josip Broz (Tito) Leadership in Yugoslavia


Josip Broz Tito was a leader of the Yugoslavia Region for the period beginning in 1945 until he died in 1980. Yugoslavia had a unique geopolitical structure that facilitated internal cohesion within the socialist country and enabled Tito to suppress the nationalistic movements within the six republics and two autonomous provinces (Bringa, 2004). The socialist state maintained its Marxist-Leninist principles after its independence which enabled them to face the fierce competition between two blocs in the west and east bringing balance to the Cold War. In this paper, we shall look into the rise to leadership of Tito (Josip Broz) in Yugoslavia and the role he played in helping the country achieve its independence in World War II. Also, we shall understand what policies he put in place in the communist period and after independence and how they impacted the country. Lastly, the paper looks into the disputes he had with the Soviets and specifically why he had a fallout with Stalin a soviet leader before his death.

Background and Early Life

Josip Broz Tito was born in 1892 in Kumrovec village Northern Croatia. Born in a family of fifteen children, the father was a Croatian peasant while the mother came from a region named Zargoje close to Josip's birthplace. Josip Broz was a professional welder and traveled a lot in the Austro-Hungarian empire searching for work. During World War I, Josip fought among the front Serbian members of the Austro-Hungarian army. The Russians took him as a prisoner in the fight and held him captive as their prisoner for two years after which he worked as a migrant in Russia for three years. Thus, he became fluent in Russian and got married to a Russian woman (Bringa, 2004). Besides he was a witness to the Bolshevik revolution before joining the communist party.

In 1920, Josip took his way back together with his wife to Kumrovee only to find Croatia not under the Astro-Hungarian Empire but under a different kingdom together with Slovenes and Serbs. Serbian was under the rule of King Aleksandar Karadjordjevic with a new state name Yugoslavia whose leadership involved dictatorship. Further, the communist party had no authority over the kingdom authorities causing Josip to engage in activities to fight for his union and the communist party leading to a series of imprisonments. However, his leadership roles advanced under the Yugoslav Communist Party to a point when he was appointed as the secretary general in 1938. At that time, the country had

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