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Child-Centered Social Work

Essay Instructions:

 Write an essay about child centerd social work is informed by knowledge (theories, literature, values) and is practiced within a social, legal and political context. Discuss.

In discussing the statement it will be helpful for you to think about and answer the following


• What is your understanding of child-centred social work practice? (Make sure you include definition of social work and link the values and ethos of social work to working in a child centred)

• What theories, literature, knowledge informs child-centred social work?

• Discuss the legal and political context within which child centred social work is practiced. What are the challenges?


This is an academic paper so please ensure that you read the requirements for writing an academic paper before commencing this assignment.


4. Ensure that you cite the literature and include in your reference list. Your reference list should only include references cited in the essay. You are required to use at least 10 academic references. Please do not use websites are these are not acceptable from an academic perspective.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Child-Centered Social Work
Institutional Affiliation
Child-Centered Social Work
While recognizing the fact that risks and uncertainty are some of the crucial characteristics of social workers' calling, it is essential to draw from existing research and theoretical frameworks to build positive outcomes for children. In essence, social workers need to adopt a holistic outlook aimed at viewing children in the context of their families, communities, and the wider social environment. Notably, the welfare of children is dependent on their careers, traditionally their parents. The healthy growth of children is also reliant on the quality of care provided by family members, which is influenced by the environment in which the family and the child are living. Children will have a sense of identity through interaction with family members, peers, and significant others who are also predisposed to the existing cultural environment (Jaramillo et al., 2017). Social workers need to understand the importance of family relationships and the wider community in shaping our children's behavior to effectively intervene in our children's lives. A holistic valuation of the needs of children recognizes that their health and development needs are dependent on the complexity of interaction with the individuals they live with, the adults or family members who shape their upbringing and social environment, and the interplay between these factors.
Intervention theories or what can largely be seen as practice theories expound on market forces as tools for creating change in the realm of existing policies. This calls for the involvement of the private sector to offer child protection services based on the principle that these stakeholders have the potential to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. The theories, which are then designed and applied, allows for the application of the perspective, including but not limited to valorizing autonomy of individuals, their choices, and condemnation of poor choices (Winter et al., 2019). This has also been seen as a way of explaining individual failure and the need for correction through applying the market approach in the delivery of social service. Individual failure evaluated through inadequately or not at all attached children could provide a framework for protecting children by contracting the services of private actors to manage the adoption of children. For example, most private actors are driven by the belief that parents and family members can be educated on alternative strategies of disciplining their children as long as they are given the right advice or counsel.
The micro-approach to child protection offers some generic illustrations of the intervention and explanatory theories of child protection and which are generally related to the grand theories, including the classical liberal theory, the industrial society theory, the socialist theory, and the alternative theory. For example, classical liberal theories are associated with forces of the free market, individualism, and imperceptible forces (Ferguson, 2017). On the other hand, industrial society theories are concerned with state-directed technological changes, while socialist theories are concerned with resource allocation based on the needs and strengths of the society in question. The alternative or constructionism model on the other extreme is concerned with explanations that uphold contingent, local, and contextual policy formulations (Flynn, 2021). Arguably, the four theoretical frameworks offer a good start point for analyzing practice in the social world. However, the four differ in their view of the foundation of the social unit and the mechanism within which individuals interact in society.
Understandably, individual members of society have the potential and capacity to become active and competent agents of their families. In addition, the social nature of members of the society implies that collective activity can contribute positively to the security of children (de Araujo et al., 2020). Thirdly, members of the society are necessarily interacting with each other in ways that can either be positive or negative regarding how social workers assist in bringing change to their environment (Gherardi & Whittlesey-Jerome, 2018). This also includes how social workers help uphold children or rather general human rights. Notably, social workers are tasked with the role of upholding human rights and articulating how their calling fulfills the larger context of advancing human rights. The application of human rights provisions as provided under the UN charter emancipates from the various conventions and articles that provide for the protection of human rights and freedoms. This approach is also following the behaviorism approach, which points out that behaviors are developed through conditioning. Significant others are, in this case, mandated to add a conditioned stimulus before accepting an unconditioned stimulus. The conditioned stimulus, in this case, helps in the development of a conditioned response which in turn helps develop desired behaviors among children.
Arguably, a good approach to child protection would require an expansionist approach as opposed to a reductionist one. This calls for optimal resource allocation by the state, unprecedented parental care, and unrelenting community involvement. Under the UN convention on children rights and...
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