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Introduction to Global Studies: US withdrawal from Afghanistan

Essay Instructions:

What are the social, political, and economic consequences of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan? Who is suffering most in this transition? What are some of the challenges to achieving peace in the country and how the international community can contribute to this cause?
Use materials and concepts from the course to craft your argument.
Your paper should be 1000-1200 words or about 3-4 pages. Please pay careful attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Remember that citations are required for both paraphrasing and direct quotes from either the text or lecture. Feel free to cite other books and articles as needed. Include a full list of works cited at the back (APA, MLA, or another citation standard).
Thesis Statement
The argument or purpose of the paper must be clearly stated, fully developed and is relevant to the prompt. The thesis statement should be in the introductory paragraph and should illustrate the organization of the essay.
Support & Evidence
Main ideas must be sufficiently supported by course material (i.e. lectures, readings, textbook). The evidence supplied should be original and show a dept of ideas. The essay must make clear connections between course concepts and important global issues.
Organization is sequential and paragraphs are well developed and appropriately divided; ideas linked with smooth and effective transitions. The essay should be organized around the thesis statement, and all paragraphs should include topic and concluding sentences.
Grammar & Style
Essay must be free from grammatical errors and utilize a formal writing style. Each sentence should be structured effectively with appropriate sentence length/paragraph length.
Argument/Addressing the Prompt
The argument proposed should be original, be relevant to the prompt, and show a depth of ideas. It should take a clear stance on an issue, and not merely summarize readings. The essay should also refer back to the argument regularly and not stray away from the prompt.

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Introduction to Global Studies: US withdrawal from Afghanistan
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Introduction to Global Studies: US withdrawal from Afghanistan
Global studies involve the direct comparison of regions from several academic perspectives and create connections among the regions. On the other hand, it can involve studying different fields like political, social, and economic situations worldwide. The US withdrawal from Afghanistan is significant to put to the global studies as it provides one with the knowledge and skills to understand the changing world order. In September 2001, the US took over Afghanistan's war issue and led the military against the Al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban government (Clayton, 2021). On April 14, 2021, after over two decades of US assistance to Afghanistan, President Joe bidden announced the withdrawal of the US military forces and other international assistants from Afghanistan. Therefore, on May 1, the US officially started withdrawing its troop with the hope to be completed by September 11, 2021. The US military withdrawal from Afghanistan has been consequential in the economic, social, and political aspects, and this transition has led to the suffering of many people.
The US military draws back from Afghanistan could affect the level of financial assistance that the state was receiving from the Americans and several other donors. Additionally, since the US has drawn back from the issues of Afghanistan, there might be improper usage of the US aid provided as there would be no monitoring of the effectiveness of the funds provided, thus negatively affecting the GDP of Afghanistan (Clayton, 2021). Furthermore, Afghan politics is affected by the US military drawback due to the rise of many new political forums with numerous ideologies against the government. Yet, there is no military support to the current government to stop these emerging parties and congresses. More also, the US invested in both advisory and financial support to the government of Afghanistan. Therefore, the withdrawal will also affect the advisory and financial efforts and thus negatively affect the political aspects of Afghanistan as the government would not be able to fund some vital projects for its citizens (Akylbayev and Janibekov, 2021). Furthermore, increased security threats in Afghanistan due to the US military withdrawal have negatively affected the country's social life. People are made to live in fear for survival due to the number of extremist groups that keep on rising and threatening people's lives (Clayton, 2021). The extremist or radical groups in Afghanistan also advocate against the system that promotes open societal values, making some people migrate to other countries.
The most affected people by the US military drawback are women and children. The US military would offer the Taliban better and increased leverage on the battlefield in Afghanistan; this would affect the lives of Afghan women and children as the Taliban have no mercy for them. Following the treaty signed in Doha by the Taliban and the United States in 2020, the Taliban promised not only to attack the United States and its ally states, thus leaving Afghanistan at the serge of the Taliban brutality (Allen and Brown, 2020). Additionally, the most affected are the women from the middle and upper classes that had significantly benefited from the US 2001- post order. The rights that the US gave to the women may not be maintained with the US withdrawal from the countries matters. Also, the upper- and middle-class women's rights will still be affected as the rural women do not connect with the urban women and are willing to sacrifice the urban women for the sake of peace. The US had advocated for women's rights in Afghanistan, starting with the previous presidents, George Bush and Barrack Obama fought and negotiated with the Taliban for women's rights. The US withdrawal also affects women's rights since they are still subjected to the Intra-Afghan negotiations affecting the military powers within the country (Allen and Brown, 2020).
Some of the challenges of achieving peace in the country include the lack of ...
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