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Chemical Element in CBRN in the Scenario of a Terrorist Attack and Prevention Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Select ONE of the CBRN categories (Chemical), then pick ONE (Sarin gas) particular agent from that category and based on our readings this term, place yourself in the role of a terrorist and offer your perspective of how a terrorist event could be conducted in your (Centralia, Washington) hometown, then provide your perspective on how to prevent such an attack and support your work by a variety of academic material to give your opinion more validity.
Your work should consist of (I encourage you to use these as section headings):
• Introduction (this will have a well-defined purpose statement in your intro paragraph that provides guidance to the reader about what you are going to cover in your paper.)
• Selected CBRN Agent background
• Proposed Terrorist Scenario
• Prevention Strategy(s)
• Conclusion
• References
Technical Requirements
• Your paper must be at a minimum of 5 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
• Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
• Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
• Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
• Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
• All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Assignment
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Date Final Assignment
Terrorists exploit various tools of warfare to cause havoc in populations. The use of such weapons dates back to several centuries, with lethality increasing as civilizations become more advanced, including bio-toxins, lethal weapons, explosives, pollution, and life-threatening poisons. During periods of antiquity, medieval era, and exploration era, chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) weapons were adopted and utilized (Calamai et al., 2019). People used them for different purposes, such as bioterrorism, warfare, ethnic strife, and political assassination. Furthermore, CBRN events have integrated inadvertent attacks during peaceful activities. As a result, governments understand the value of investing in sophisticated concepts to respond to CBRN incidents to temper the adverse consequences (Hummel, 2014). The chemical element in the CBRN category is a significant issue of concern in the contemporary era, including in a lethal gas such as Sarin. According to the CDC (2021), a chemical agent is a material designed for application in biological, terrorist, and military operations to kill, critically wound, or injure individuals due to fatal physical effects. They encompass pulmonary agents, nerve agents, blister agents, caustics, incapacitating, and blood agents. Thus, this paper explores the Chemical element in CBRN in the scenario of a terrorist attack and the prevention strategies adopted during such situations.CBRN Agent Background: SarinThe nerve agent described is the most fatality-causing of the existing chemical forms. As a result, experts rank it among the top of the dangerous chemical threats. Sarin compromises the neurological system by preventing muscle tissue relaxation by disrupting neurotransmitters’ division, indicating muscular contraction (Fyanka, 2020). Moreover, it disrupts the central nervous system of the human body, interrupting seamless signaling throughout the body. Within a short duration of exposure, its symptoms are apparent in a victim. However, if administered through liquid form, it commences its lethal action within 18 hours of exposure. Sarin is the chemical agent chosen for the terrorist attack situation. Abou-Donia et al. (2016) state that it traces its roots to Germany, where corporations applied it as a pesticide in 1939. This lethal nerve toxin has a colorless appearance, is odorless, and described as a tasteless liquid. It evaporates and transforms into vapor, which may quickly spread through the air, hence being an airborne agent. This material is artificial, meaning that experts artificially designed it to induce lethal effects. As a result, ill-minded individuals can weaponize it and cause widespread damages.Researchers and historians believe that the first use of Sarin in battles occurred in the early 1940s. For instance, its first well-reported and analyzed application occurred in 1988. The Iraqi air force struck Halabja, Iraq, triggering the demise of 4,000 residents and leaving the survivors grappling with cases of blindness, cancerous conditions, and respiratory ailments due to exposure to chemicals such as Sarin and VX (Chai et al., 2018). Moreover, in the same nation, a site named Al-mutant is claimed to have high levels of VX and Sarin due to ISIL’s operations in the facility (Hummel, 2014). Additional events indicate the individuals spread this gas in a bio-terrorist attack in passenger subway train stations in Tokyo, Japan (Sugiyama, 2020). This incident remains the most significant targeted act of terrorism where criminals launched warfare chemicals on people.Symptoms of Sarin affect the victims depending on the threshold of exposure. All chemical nerve agents effectively shut down the nervous system, which incapacitates most victims while causing the death of others (Ormond & Barker, 2014). As a result, the body is continually inactive and can dissipate fast and pose an urgent threat. However, it is also a transient one. Some symptoms of the nerve agent comprise chest pains, coughing, confusion, eye pain, headache, low/high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, amplified urination, abnormal sweating, and blurred vision (Bland, 2013). The treatment involves eradication and removal of the gas elements from the body through lab antidotes.Proposed Terrorist ScenarioISIL’s commanders have decided to carry out a terrorist strike in Baltimore, Maryland. They would identify five separate domestic terrorists radicalized for almost four years through secretive classes and the media. These three persons are residents born and raised in the region. To get a job at the Patapsco wastewater treatment facility in Baltimore city, all five would have to be unrelated to one another and have no criminal history. Due to their laboratory studies and expertise, two of the five people chosen will work at a laboratory to develop the Sarin liquid agent. At the same time, the rest will apply for jobs at Patapsco to administer the agent in the water. The wastewater treatment plant releases more than 2,000,000 liters of water to the city residents and commercial buildings...
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