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Challenges Experienced in Interpersonal Communication

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following two questions.

1. Identify two key learning points from this course and explain why they were personally meaningful and how you will, or have applied them to make your communication style more effective. Be sure to explain the two ideas fully in no less than 200 words, explaining why they are important to effective communication and reserve the remaining 300 words to reflect on how this knowledge has changed (or will) your communication style and what benefits you expect to be realized.
2. Drawing from the concepts learned in this course, evaluate a situation in which communication was repressed. Ideally, use a specific example from your life. Provide a short 100 word description of the situation and write a 400 word essay analyzing the problems with the interaction and applying ideas learned in this course that would have allowed for more effective communication in this situation. Please be sure that your analysis and application of learning is 400 words and your description limited to 100.

Wood, Julia. Interpersonal Communication Everyday Encounters 8th Edition. Belmont: Thompson Learning, 2016. ISBN #: 978-1-285-44583-0

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Interpersonal Communication Name Institutional Affiliation Date
Communication is one of the ways through which people can exchange information. It is also used in guiding the relationships that exist among different people in society. In my course, I have learned a lot about communication and the ways through which I should be an effective communicator. There are two key items that I have learned about communication from this course. I have learned that interpersonal communication can be two way or one way. The sender of the message usually dominates one way while two-way communication involves both the sender of the message and the receiver of the message. They do participate equally, and there is an exchange of information and ideas by both parties. Another skill that I have learned is listening to someone when they are speaking. When someone is speaking to you, it is important for one to listen to them so that he or she can easily ask questions after the end of the session or at the end of the presentation. Listening will also help you to learn how to respond to a particular situation where you are communicating with another person. Both skills are essential for someone who wants to be an effective listener and speaker since they are the foundation of good public speaking.
The skills have changed my communication life in some ways. To begin with, I had bad two-way communication skills. In most of the cases when I was speaking with friends, I would get bored within the first five minutes of our talk and I would get back to scroll through my phone while pretending that I was listening by nodding my head. Over time, I have learned that this was not a good gesture when speaking with someone since they will think that you are not interested in what they are saying. I have made it a culture to listen effectively to a person when they are speaking to me, and I have realized that the tactic has helped me in getting new friends and when I am speaking to someone, the chances of the person listening to me and doing what I say to them are very high. The tactic of ensuring that there is two-way communication has also helped me to learn some things from my friends. When you talk with someone, you can exchange ideas and opinions on a particular topic, and this is one of the ways through which human beings learn. I also realized that there are some people who have the same interests as the ones that I have and if we work together with such people then we can achieve a lot. I do intend to use the skills that I have learned in my future endeavors to make sure that I become an effective listener and a good public speaker. I also have great plans of learning more on communication since it is one of the topics that I have not been so interested. I will also make efforts to attend communication wor...
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