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Central Arguments and Issues on “Panther Panchali” by Satyajit Ray

Essay Instructions:

Write a 700 to 800-word response that critically reflects on this week’s film and at least one reading from the week. Relate the film and reading and connect them to the broader themes of the course. Your response should demonstrate your understanding of both the film and the reading. Do not simply summarize the film. You must include a full and proper works cited page and use proper in-text citations for all sources in your response, including films. Below are some questions to serve as prompts for reflection. You do not have to address all of these questions in your response.

What are the central arguments made by the films and/or the texts and how do they relate to each other?

What social, cultural, political, or historical issues are brought into focus in the films and how?

What themes emerge from the films or texts and how do they relate to the broader themes of the class?

How do you personally connect to these themes or issues and how do the films and readings help you understand them in new ways?

Describe the film language in technical terms and discuss how it frames the film’s main themes.

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“Panther Panchali” by Satyajit Ray



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“Panther Panchali” a film by Satyajit Ray set in Bengal in India offers an exploration of poverty, difference between the urban and rural life, and the loss of innocence in the transformation from childhood to adulthood. The film has utilized a technical language that helps build an emotional connection with the audience with the themes of poverty, childhood, modernity, death, and education being central to the film.

Central Arguments

The first main central argument brought up within the film is how poverty impacts life development and the second is the passage from childhood to adulthood. Poverty has deteriorated the lives of the Apu family explained by the nature of the houses, financial challenges, and the uncertainty about what the future might bring. Further, the process of transforming from childhood to adulthood gives humans the experience to understand the harsh realities in life. Children lack the idealism of the right perception about the world which changes as they grow through varying experiences in life (Yadav, & Mehta, 2022). The two central arguments relate in that as Apu grows as an innocent child poverty

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