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Moral Judgements and Moral Heroes

Essay Instructions:

Part One: More On Moral Judgments: If you firmly believe an action is moral, might you be wrong? Provide a strong paragraph or two with an example to help support and explain your response. Be sure to define what 'moral' means.

Part Two: On Moral Heroes: Aristotle said of heroes - Heroes are not merely people who did things. They are people who we are expected, and expect ourselves, to imitate. Imitating them means not merely doing what they did; it means being like them. The heroes and saints did not merely give us principles to live by (though some did that as well), they gave us examples to follow. Who is your moral hero? What principles did they teach you on how and why to be good? Be specific - after all, they are your hero.

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Moral Judgements and Moral Heroes
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Moral Judgements and Moral Heroes
Part One
Merely believing that an action is moral does not guarantee it is right. Moral refers to a person’s firm conviction of whether something is right or wrong. Such opinions are often subjective and dependent on the person’s social interactions, educational exposure, or nature. As a result, one individual may consider a particular action moral while another may object and claim that it does not meet their moral threshold. Diverse controversial situations have exposed the issue of morality, with groups engaging in divisive arguments about who is more persuasive on moral grounds. Thus, one can be wrong even in actions that they consider moral.
The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas provides an ideal example of morals that one may consider right but wrong. Although Israel is retaliating against the brutal attacks by the Hamas in Gaza, its actions have devastating consequences. Reports emerging from the news platforms reveal the disproportionate bombing of buildings that have killed hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians, including children. While Israel considers its reprisal justified since it has a right to protect its people, such acts are causing significant mortality and morbidity rates among populations that had no role in the initial assault. In this context, such bombings are wrong despite being morally right in Israel’s perspective.
Part Two
As a management learner, I prioritize employment-related issues and highly rank activists fighting for equal treatment, remuneration, and other elements. As a result, the lawsuit by Lisa McCarrick against a prominent company like Amazon drew my attention due to its relation to these issues. Her courage to confront such an influential firm was inspiring and encouraging because many people would be intimidated. However, McCarrick remained unwavering after uncover...
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