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Causes and Consequences of Ethnic Conflict in Nigeria

Essay Instructions:

This is the country I want to talk about. (Nigeria)

Social scientists have long sought to better explain the dynamics of ethnic conflict and racial violence. Violent ethnic conflict is rarely, if ever, caused by ethnic differences alone. Frequently, there are structural foundations of the conflict, including political, social, economic and/or religious inequalities. However, at the same time, in ethnic conflicts participants regard themselves as distinct ethnic groups from opposing factions. Often, opposing sides explicitly emphasize their racial, religious, and cultural differences as a conflict strategy. This is a very interesting time to study the causes and consequences of ethnic conflict as today we can see many tensions that have escalated to violent conflicts.



Then, be sure to thoroughly describe the different ethnic groups involved in the conflict (including any cultural similarities between the groups), the source of the tensions that led to violence between them (paying attention to structural inequalities as causes), and describe how the ethnic conflict has affected the country (or countries). Additionally, explain how the social construction of ethnic divisions can be seen in the case of your selected ethnic conflict.

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Causes and Consequences of Ethnic Conflict in Nigeria
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Causes and Consequences of Ethnic Conflict in Nigeria
1 Introduction
Ethnic conflicts are one of the key challenges faced by the contemporary world, particularly in the African region. The conflicts in a nation lead to political, social, and economic uncertainty. The ethnic struggles in Nigeria are very intricate and multifaceted. The country has a multi-ethnic society where several hegemonic ethnic groups are operating for the recognition of their identity. Religious and ethnic identity is the main reason which causes the majority of the conflicts. The power control, biased resource distribution, nationality crisis, state failure, economic recession, religion, and ethnic clashes have resulted from ethno-religion nationalism. According to Osaghae & Suberu (2005), a recurring state of crisis has destabilized the entire African region harming national unity and political, economic stability.
2 Ethnic Groups Involved in Conflict
The current state of Nigeria was part of two different British Colonies, which were formed in the year 1914. These colonies were divided into two distinct religious sects, Muslim and Christian. Their differences caused conflict and violence, leading to recurring tension. These recurring clashes between the two distinct ethnic groups resulted in population division, exposing the region to religious and ethnic fanatics (Adetoye & Omilusi, 2015). The country gained independence in 1960, and since then, brutal military rule and civil unrest gave rise to extremism which led to the formation of different insurgent groups. According to the CIA (2020), several ethnic groups in modern Nigeria are involved in the conflict across Nigeria. Still, those known as the major source of violence are (JAS) Jama'atu Ahlul Sunnah lid Da'awatu wal Jihad which is commonly recognized as Boko Haram, Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP), and Jama'atu Ansarul Muslimina fii Biladis Sudan referred to as Ansaru.
1 Group 1: Boko Haram
Boko Haram is the leading Islamic militant group in Nigeria that came into being in 2002. The purpose of its creation was to establish a fundamentalist Islamic state that operates in compliance with sharia criminal courts. The group primarily operates in the Northern region and works towards the enforcement of sharia law. For this purpose, they have carried out a series of violent activities across Nigeria, such as suicide bombs, frightening public spaces, homicide, and kidnapping for ransom and personal motives (Akindiyo, 2013). The actions of these extremist groups have been a source of huge conflict within the country. The clash between the insurgent groups and within communities creates instability in the country.
2.2Group 2: Ansaru
Ansaru was created in 2012 and controls the North-west region of Nigeria. Their focus is the restoration of the true Muslim identity in the western region of Africa, which Boko Haram has tainted. The insurgent group is involved in several unlawful activities such as abduction and kidnapping for raising funds, terrorizing the population, and violent clashes. It is also noteworthy that Ansaru has launched several terrorist activities in coordination with insurgent groups from West Africa, including AQIM from Mali, Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJWA), and several other local groups for mutual gains (Akerele, 2020). Even though ideological and ethnic differences exist between the two insurgent groups, i.e., Boko Haram and Ansaru, a temporary link can be found between the groups for mutual benefits and goals. Its connection with smaller insurgent groups.
2.3. ISWAP
ISWAP emerged as a new militant group in the year 2016 in Nigeria. The militants in this group are involved in killing civilians, the Nigerian Army, humanitarian workers, Muslims, and their leaders and commanders, which they justify through Takfirism. ISWAP also fought Boko Haram and proclaimed their nonconformity to Islam to gain foreign funding and regional support (Akerele, 2020). The recurrent attacks by ISWAP, Boko Haram, and Ansaru groups depict their competition with each other to prove their hegemony over West African and global jihadi groups through the murders of unbelievers, which mostly comprise Christian residents.
3 The Source of the Tension that to Violence Between the Ethnic Groups
The ethnic groups were created to achieve several objectives. Every group has its motives that result in creating tension between the ethnic groups across Nigeria. The control of power and resources is the leading source of conflict between these groups (Bamidele, 2020). Their struggle to get hold of local and foreign funds and support creates tension. These groups fight for the acquisition of land and wealth of the nation besides several other religious, ideological, ethnic, and communal differences. The influence of international militant groups on them also has a major role in their conflicts. All these groups are affiliated with one or several international rebellious groups such as Daesh, Al Qaida, etc. The disagreement of leadership is another dominant motive of the clash between these groups. The leaders have personal resentments and power control, increasing the fights and competition to exercise authority over the region.
Boko Haram and ISWAP's constant violence against each other and security forces across Nigeria exhibit that the fight is not only for personal or so-called religious interests but also for survival and power. They continue to strengthen their ties with other militant groups across the world to gain support against the ethnic groups within the country. The dynamism of conflicts further worsens the situation within Nigeria and globalizes the internal conflict across the continent (Herbert ...
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