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Career Goals

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment 7 (Final) Write a documented paper of 700 words (see Note on Documentation) in which you: Identify the career goals for which you are preparing. Describe the most likely ways in which technological developments will affect those career goals, in both the short- and long-term future. Develop an educational plan to help you reach those goals. In completing this assignment, consult and use information from the Occupational Outlook Handbook (http://www(dot)bls(dot)gov/ooh/). This information is provided by the U.S. Department of Labor. Feel free to draw on any or all of the materials you have read during this course. Note: Please remember to proofread your assignment carefully before you submit it. Click the following link, which provides proofreading tips as well as information about how your assignment will be graded: Tips for Written Assignments)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Career Goals

One of the aspects of defining the level of commitment to the future from a personal and professional perspective is that of setting goals. These goals have to be set cautiously so that they are not too over reaching and thus attainable and manageable. Either way, they define the level of commitment to the course of action that has been set by the bearer. With respect to the same, my main career goals are attain a bachelor’s degree in environmental science. This is a broad section of the natural sciences that would encompass all the studies that revolve around the natural systems in the environment. This degree actually relates with my passion about the environmental systems and the way humans interact with them. Later on I would also want to take my academics to a higher level by taking a master’s degree in green economy which is one of the latest developments in the field of environmental studies. Thirdly, I would want to obtain employment in my idea field, within an agency or a company that offers consultancy services to the government and the various companies (HYPERLINK "http://engineeringcareerdevelopment.com/author/anthonyfasano" o "Anthony Fasano, PE"Fasano, 2012).
Furthermore, the key aspects of the field of study is the fact that almost all the companies that exist have to come in contact with the environment one way or the other. This therefore presents several chances of advancing in my career as times change and new developments emerge. The basic idea about obtaining the bachelor’s degree is to obtain the information base. Without the informational base it would be close to impossible to carry out the duties that pertain to environmental management at any of the levels other than the casual labor (Rawes, 2014). At the university most of the first degrees in the field are going to be general and therefore provide the candidates with the right base to diversify to the various fields of their choice. To gain meaningful employment in this field, one has to have some form of specialized educational background other than the general knowledge in the field of environmental management. As such, the goal that relates to obtaining the master’s degree is partly motivated by this fact and fact that I would also want to be a specialist in the field of green economy.
In the recent years, the world has felt the effects of the global warming phenomenon which relates to the way that most of the pillars of the economy have been utilizing resources. In respect to the same most of the countries across the globe have been debating on the best ways to make sure they utilize resources in a manner that is sustainable. The last few years have seen several agencies; companies and non-governmental organizations crop up from all over the world. These are my main target and would want to gain employment in a position of influence after my masters. After gaining experience in the field then I can apply for the PhD in a field of my choice preferably policy making or conservation.
Technology is now part of every other person’s life and has revolutionized every other sector of the economy. One of the ways in which it is going to influence the career goals is through research. As technology advances, better equipment, advanced research methodologies come up and the analy...
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