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World Population Issues

Essay Instructions:

Explore and read the articles on the following Web sites: 1. http://www(dot)populationinstitute(dot)org/ 2. http://www(dot)wri(dot)org/publication/content/8599 3. http://goo(dot)gl/4NaOOZ What are some of the optimistic trends described? How do these relate to world population growth? What countries have the densest population? How do you think this affects the quality of life in those countries? Please use two additional, quality references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
World Population Issues Name: Institution: Introduction The population institute and other organizations from different countries are very determined in establishing firm solutions for securing a sustainable future on earth through population growth control. The population growth is becoming increasingly rapid, resulting to the need to form quick solutions that will both help in control the already high population and the expected one. The process of the development of the world is mastered through some organization like the World Development Indicators (World Development Report, 2005). It contains presentations of comparative socioecopnomic information for numerous countries of the world, which is usually published after every year. There is formation of development goals that govern the group the entire year. The organization also looks into factors that are important to consider while noting the development progress. For instance, there is focus on development of human capital, macroeconomic performance, environmental sustainability, investment climate and the development of private sector as well as the global links influencing the external surounding for development purposes. The World Development Indicators ensures its accuracy by incorporating various records from renowned sources such as the World Bank, research institutes, statistyical publications from member country, as well as from international organizations like the United Nations (Weeks, 2012). The World development Indicators is meant to provide a comprehensive outlook of the process of development. Inaddition, more publications like the World Resources Intitute are dedicated to ensuring that the world is updated with qulified reports and researches that deals with the development of the world. The organization also provides some necessary aids, working in places like China, Brazil as well as India. Moreover, it has some programs that are helpful to the overrpopulated areas with poverty stricken tendencies. More organizations of this kind are operational while others are being formed to collectively assist one another in meeting the common goal of controlling population increase. Currently, the world's population is around seven billion people in the world, a number that is expected to rise to nine billion by the year two thousand and forty-five. The number of people increasing per minute is one hundred and fifty, one point five million every week and eighty million people every year (Mosher, 2008). This is a very dangerous growth rate both to humans and the ecosystem, which is the reason as to why these organizations were initiated. Most of the organizations presented relate to population growth in that they focus on mastering the economies of various countries, which should also be affecxted by the population growth. Moreover, some organizations go beyong follow-up to provision, as they have programs that help the affected countries. This is becaus a high population is accompanied by numerous negativities. The global and nationwide focus on development process will help to reduce the overwheliming growth rate around the globe, which requires high level of control before it gets out of hand.. The rapid increase in population has become a global concern and thus all the necessary and applicable solutions are being sought to ensure that the situation does not get worse. As the Population Institute and others continue to enlighten people on the need to reduce these rates, they also try to mend the loopholes already created by the same. For instance, levels of poverty are rising by day due to high population. The organizations provide feeding programs which are presently oiverwhelmed by the number iof people they ought to feed (Sánchez, Ahmed, Awe & World Bank, 200...
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