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Care for Vulnerable Populations

Essay Instructions:

For the discussion, we will be reviewing the “For Your Consideration” box on page 122 of the Shi text. Shi states that we should care about vulnerable populations because of the following items:

Vulnerable populations have greater health needs.

The prevalence of vulnerability is influenced [by] and therefore should be remedied by social forces.

Vulnerability is fundamentally linked with national resources.

Vulnerability and equity cannot coexist.

After reviewing this and the required background reading (and doing any additional research) discuss your thoughts on these items. As Shi asks, “Are these points valid?” (p. 122) How does this affect health administrators?

Be sure to cite reliable sources in support of your answer.

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Care for Vulnerable Populations
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Care for Vulnerable Populations
The vulnerable populations and people suffering from chronic illnesses have significantly high health needs. This point is entirely valid as the vulnerable populations are at greater risk of mortality and morbidity. Significant disparities are present in the healthcare sector for vulnerable populations. The ethnic and racial minorities, people with chronic illness, and economically disadvantaged people fall under vulnerable populations (Shi, 2014). The health administrators are affected by such a situation as they have to make necessary arrangements for addressing their problems (Berlinger et al., 2017). The health workers and health administrators facilitate the vulnerable population by providing them access to healthcare services. Health administrators make an effort toward increasing the quality of healthcare services and minimizing costs. Special care needs to be taken by healthcare officials. With the increase in the vulnerable population, there is an additional workload on the healthcare administrators. It affects the profitability of healthcare organizations as they lower their prices for catering people's needs.
The vulnerable groups are influenced by social forces and external factors present in society. It is a valid point as the healthcare barriers for vulnerable populations go beyond financial limitations, discrimination, and policy. The vulnerable populations are affected by social forces like low income, disability, chronic illness, depression, and behavioural health problems (Shi, 2014). The health administrators can work with government institutions to provide assistance and support to these vulnerable groups. An initiative taken by the healthcare administrator in collaboration with government institutions and sectors can respond to the healthcare policy changes that are negatively impacting the vulnerable population (Hacker et al., 2015). The social forces can remedy the vulnerable population by ensuring that necessary healthcare facilities remain accessible to everyone free of cost. The medicines can be provided at a reduced price to vulnerable people. These steps can play a vital role in addressing the healthcare issues of the vulnerable group. It can be concluded that the vulnerable population is affected by social factors like discrimination, financial limitations, disability, chronic illness, and others. The healthcare administrators play their role in ensuring that the primary healthcare facilities remain available to the general public. The social forces directly impact the healthcare administrators as they have to work with government officials to improve the availability and accessibility of medical services to the general public.
The vulnerability is directly linked with the national resources and unique resources like insurance coverage and the people's income. It is a valid point as the total nu...
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