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Emotions in Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Reading this paper SHOULD NOT consume more than 2 hours of your time. If you are not finished within 2 hours, stop, and write the best response you can based upon the content you were able to cover. If you are a slow reader consider skimming the sections, but be forewarned, a paragraph that sounds like it might be telling 1 story, could be telling an entirely different story by the end.

Emotions…We all have them (hopefully). Positive or Negative, Good or Bad, Right or Wrong, Left or Right, Up or Down…Wait, where was I? Yes, EMOTIONS are informed by our workplace experiences, and subsequently emotions inform our work performance (among other variables).

It is quite likely that my course has either made you laugh, or rubbed you the wrong way, and you might have become frustrated with the work at one point or another. OR if I’m lucky, you think this has been easy peasy, and you couldn’t be happier. Whatever emotions my course has invoked are likely to influence your engagement, motivation, and performance in this class.

Emotions also have spillover effects. Your emotions are informed by your experiences in other classes, at your job, at home, with your spouse (or significant other), your family, your friends, your kids! All of which will play a role in the degree to which you are effective/efficient in completing your duties and responsibilities in any number of domains/roles that you occupy in life!

It is for this reason that I ask you to write a reaction paper in response to the article written by Hillary Elfenbein attached to this assignment.

Your response paper should be no fewer than 4 pages Times New Roman 12pt. double spaced. A response paper is intended to capture the following:

What is the main topic that the author is addressing?

What are some of the authors major points?

What theories does the author cite? How well did the author explain the theory or theories?

What empirical evidence does the author present?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the text?

Do you have any personal counterarguments regarding the claims this paper makes?

Is this paper interesting/important? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emotions in Organizations
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Emotions in Organizations
Main Topic
Emotion is an important component of organizational scholarship as the companies focus on developing positive work-like performance. The main elements of organizational scholarship include resiliency, optimism, hope, and self-efficacy. All these components create either a positive or negative impact on the overall organization’s environment. The emotions create an intrapersonal impact on the individual who is encountering them in terms of creativity, motivation, judgment, motivation, and information processing. Emotions have certain characteristic facial expressions and voice tones that communicate their emotions with the other colleagues in the office (Elfenbein, 2007). Emotions are an integral part of the workplace's social processes, like customer service, teamwork, leadership, and negotiation. The impact of emotions in an organization on an employee’s behavior can be context-dependent and complex rather than simple and straightforward. The employees and supervisors can regulate their emotions based on their experiences in displaying their emotions (Vuori, 2017). The Affective Events Theory describes emotional behaviors in an organization as discrete reactions influenced by certain events. The emotions, causes of moods, and real-time nature of different emotions at work are interlinked with one another (Lindebaum et al., 2018). The organizations can shift their focus from work environments stability to particular affective events for improving the overall level of interaction between the supervisor and subordinate employees. The development of a reasonable policy plan motivates the employees to perform to their optimum level.
Major Points
One crucial point is that employees' emotions at the workplace should be seen beyond their grievances and differences. Emotional experiences and behaviors begin with stimuli irrespective of the nature of the person’s personality. The mobilization minimization theory indicates that the mobilization processes stimulate internal resources to behavior and direct attention to solve the problem. With time the minimization processes play a role in repairing and softening negative events (Elfenbein, 2007). The person's negative emotions are adoptive to the different responses and events at the workplace. It has been observed that the impact of negative emotions on employee’s emotions is five times higher than positive events. Employees' emotions in an organization can be managed appropriately by creating a healthy work environment where all the employees' opinions are respected. The workers' emotions are managed at a personal level and social level and the focus is on ensuring that the social changes that occur do not affect the workplace environment.
The broaden and build theory argues that the employee’s positive emotions become enlarged with different actions and thoughts. Positive emotions significantly impact the employee’s performance as they boost creativity and motivation in the employee. The worker can approach the tasks with full dedication and adopt an innovative approach in completing the tasks (Elfenbein, 2007). On the other hand, the negative emotions create a level of frustration among the employees, resulting in low productivity on the part of the employee. The negative emotions also create a negative self-image of the employee.
A person's emotions in an organizational setting can be deliberate or spontaneous, depending on the overall situation. The human expressions portray the internal states and true emotions of a person when a conscious effort manages them. The empirical evidence suggests that social factors influence a person’s emotions, conscious management, and internal states (Elfenbein, 2007). The push factors that occur simultaneously like shaking or accelerated breath influence the person's intentions to communicate with others. For instance, the fear expressions can create terror in the person about the danger event (Friedland, 2018). Within an organizational setting, the appraisal dimensions are the core focus of the company's people. The intrinsic pleasantness traits displayed by employees to senior leadership create positive emotions. Empirical evidence favors a moderate level of emotions shown by people. As d...
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