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Canadian Environmental Assessment Case Study

Essay Instructions:

Steps to Complete Assignment

Part I. Required Readings:

A) CEAA (2019). Overview of the Impact Assessment Act. Level 1 Training (PowerPoint

Presentation). 55 p. www(dot)canada(dot)ca/ceaa

B) CEAA (2016). Operational Policy Statement. Information Requests and Timelines

(CEAA 2012). 4 p. www. ceaa-acee.gc.ca

C) Hunsberger, C., Froese, S, and Hoberg, G. (2020). Toward ‘good process’ in regulatory

reviews: Is Canada’s new system any better than the old? Environmental Impact

Assessment Review, 82. 106379.

D) IAC (2021). Notice of Time Limit Suspension with Reasons. Ksi Lisims LNG -Natural

Gas liquefaction Marine Terminal Project. 20 pp.

Part II. Writing Assignment


You will be working on the following three tasks for this assignment:

1) Compare and discuss the main differences between timelines of the CEAA-2012 and the

IAA-2109. What are the time differences related to the Agency and the Review Panel from

each Act? How different are the public and Indigenous groups’ participation between Acts?

Refer to readings (A) and (B) and write your answer as a short essay (300-350 words).

2) What criteria are critical in differentiating regulatory processes to make them a “good


Refer to reading (C) to discuss the main differences between the following regulatory processes in

Canada: (i) Act 1995, (ii) Act 2012, (iii) Review Panel and (iv) Act 2019.

Discuss which criteria makes a “good process”, according to Hunsberger (2020).

Write your answer as a short essay (350-400 words).

3) Why is the Ksi Lisims LNG project under a Time Limit Suspension (TLS)?

Refer to reading (D) to discuss which information was presented in a sub-optimal manner according

to the criteria and indicators proposed by Hunsberger (2020) and which were possibly behind the

TLS reasoning.

Write your answer as a short essay (500-600 words).



- For each question, indicate the word count (1 mark will be discounted if not).

- Type your answers in Arial 12, 1.5 spaced.

- Please do not include direct quotations. Instead, paraphrase your answers.

- Please provide in-text citations and full references at the end of the assignment for any

sources you use. Make use of the APA format.

•For more information about when to cite sources: https://guides(dot)library(dot)utoronto(dot)ca/citing

- For question #3, you need to add at least four academic references (e.g., primary /secondary

articles, book chapters) to support your discussion.

- Upload your written assignment to Quercus (as a word document).

Marking Scheme

12 marks total:

9.5 marks for the short essay answers (two marks for No.1, three marks for No.2, and four

and a half marks for No.3).

1 mark for grammar, spelling and general writing clarity.

1 mark for the four references: 0.5 marks per reference (primary/ secondary articles, book


0.5 mark for proper use of citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Environmental Assessment Case Study
Student’s First Name, Middle Initial (s), Last Name
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Assignment Due Date
Environmental Assessment Case Study
Environmental control and regulation are highly required to ensure sustainable resource utilization. Various regulations and laws are enacted and passed to safeguard the environment against pollution and hazardous human activities. Many governments hasten their efforts to achieve a clean environment for the general wellbeing of human beings and animals. The Canadian government has made a crucial step in transforming the environment through the new regulations. The government did review its existing environmental policies and decided to introduce recent changes and policies. The Impact Assessment Act replaced the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act of 2012 in 2019. The new legislation focuses on managing the projects' impact on cultural, social, health, and economic aspects. Climate change is expected to be facilitated through the new legislation. The paper analyzes the environmental and impact assessment acts and gives a detailed explanation of the questions posed.
Question 1 (369 words)
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) 2012 is the environmental management policy that existed in Canada. The regulations, after deliberations, are being overhauled and replaced by Impact Assessment Act (IAA) 2019. One main difference relates to the period for complete assessments to be made. Under CEAA 2012, the Agency estimates the entire evaluation to be conducted within 365 days, a timeline that begins with an environmental assessment notice to the registry (Doelle & Sinclair, 2018). The assessment timeline comes to an end when the minister issues a decision statement.
On the other hand, under IAA 2019, the Agency gives a decision estimate of 180 days for complete posting of the project description on commencement of the impact assessment. Period extension and suspension can be made under critical circumstances. Under IAA 2019, submission of the final impact assessment report by the Agency must be made to the ministry within 300 days. The submission is made after analyzing and determining that the proponent provides all required information. Based on extensions, a time limit of 90 days may be given by the minister to facilitate jurisdiction coordination and account for the specific project circumstances. However, the Governor in council under IAA 2019 may make time extensions by any number of days.
Some differences also come up under the panel review. For CEAA 2012, environmental assessment should be completed in 24 months. The timeline begins with the project presentation to the review panel within 60 days after posting the notice. The minister makes the time limit of less than 24 months after referring the assessment for review by the panel. Under IAA 2019, the time limit for submitting the final submission for the project's impact assessment to the minister takes up to 600 days (Doelle & Sinclair, 2018).
Under CEAA 2012, the Agency-led assessment provides public participation on potential effects, the significance of the adverse impact on the environment, and mitigation strategies. The panel also proposes public participation and comment on the draft reference terms of the panel and joint review agreements and decisions. Under IAA 2019, Indigenous people are given a chance to participate in the assessment and ensure their traditions, culture, and rights are upheld at all stages of the impact assessment.
Question 2 (450 words)
Federal act 1992 of environmental assessment drafted by the Canadian government requires the federal departments to engage in ecological assessment with the government being the proponent and in cases where the project entails licensing, permits, or requires funding by the federal government. The Act was focused on sustainable development through quality decision-making and planning, exercising leadership locally and internationally, and enhancing access to information (Levac et al., 2021). Licenses and permits could not be issued by any other federal departments. The 2012 Act made some changes to the previous Act of 1992. Designated projects are focused on under the Act 2012, rather than the initial general projects in the Act 1992. The restrictive nature of the Act 2012 recommends for timely completion of assessments.
The regulatory process under Act 2012, the National Energy Board, and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission are vital authorities responsible for assessing designated projects. The two bodies regulate the issuance of permits and licenses for project impact assessments to be completed. The review panel has regulations to hold public participation and include the indigenous people in trying to uphold cultural and traditional views of people. Under Act 2019, the federal authority with detailed knowledge of the designated projects is to avail the information to the Agency, panel review, and any jurisdiction that conducts assessments. Impact assessment is undertaken by the Agency and the review panel considering the time limits stipulated in the Act. The regulatory process in the mentioned Acts is vital in determining the best approach and strat...
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