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Body Image Essay

Essay Instructions:

Develop four research questions on Body Image that you might investigate. Which one most interests you? Do they all seem "doable?"


Identify each question  below the best you can as either descriptive, exploratory, explanatory, or evaluative.


How is one's body image developed? What is the role of family, community, and the media in creating body image?

How do body image issues differ among men, women, teens and children?

How do diet, nutrition, or exercise affect body image?

What is the connection between body image and cosmetic surgery?

What is the connection between body image and eating disorders?

What steps can be taken to improve one's body image?

Based on what I have learned from my research what do I think about the issue of body image?


There are several questions this study attempts to answer. They include:

1. What are the factors that influence body image among adolescent girls?

2. What is the relationship between body image and self-esteem among adolescent girls?

3. How does body image and self-esteem influence the development of eating disordered behavior?

4. What are the implications for school counselors in working with girls with body-image and self-esteem related issues?



    What’s a simple activity that consistently contributes to your positive body image?

    What’s something you know now about body image that you didn’t know when you were 18 years old?

    Is there anything you find yourself doing repeatedly that gets in the way of your body image?

    Is there a body image mantra or motto (or any kind really) that you’ve found very helpful? (Gretchen uses the motto “Be Gretchen.”)

    Have you always felt about the same level of body image, or have you been through a period when you felt exceptionally better about your body and yourself as a whole  – if so, why? If you were unhappy with your body or yourself, how did you become happier?

    Have you ever been surprised that something you expected would make you feel better about yourself, didn’t – or vice versa?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

12Th October 2015
Body image is the way one person would perceive themselves. How they look, how they do certain things is all put in consideration. The way one person sees himself is not how the society will see him. The family and society plays a very important role. The society is the basic unit from which a child’s development would start. It is seen to have an influence on one’s body image by the character it teaches and the cultural observations (Brown University, ND). The media especially very influential will model one into various ways that can influence the body image. However the media has always used stars to refer to the perfect body images around the country.
Most men have little trouble with their body image compared to women. The women tend to work on improving their appearance compared to the men. They would want to work on their weight, shape and appearance. Teens and children are majorly under the parents and the societies watch to maintain a proper body image (Peter Prevos, 2005)
Diet, nutrition and exercise give different people several feelings on body image. The society also has a different way of looking at you depending on the effects of your diet on image. Proper diet has in many ways led to a good image compared to poor diet. One should improve exercising that is frequently linked to good image to have a good image. People have also done cosmetic surgeries to improve their body images. This majorly happens after one realizes or is told that the original appearance is not quite pleasing. Eating disorders have in many cases been linked to negative body images. One could be seen as obese, weak and not well built. This can be linked to overfeeding, under eating and many more.
There are several steps that one can take to improve their body image. Some of these can be long term or short term. And the results can be...
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