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The Police in the Modern Community and Policing the Drug Problem

Essay Instructions:

discuss/debate the ideologies and methodologies associated with community policing. Discuss the impact of community policing towards fostering positive police community relations. Also discuss how community policing may be used in the so-called war-on-drugs especially pertaining to gangs.

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Community Policing
Community policing can be defined as a strategy plan that aims at enhancing working ties between members of a certain community and the police. Moreover, it focuses on promoting managerial functions by use of systematic guidelines through partnership in order to ensure that the community is free from crime. The U.S. has been using community policing method for many years only that the method and strategies keep changing in upping the game with the changes of the world. Interestingly, community policing has been so successful and in this case crimes have reduced. Security is one of the rights that the government of the U.S guarantees for its citizens. Therefore, community policing is among the best strategies used by the U.S. this paper expounds and argues on community policing, impact on positive police relation and impact on war on drugs.
Ideologies and Methodologies Associated with Community policing
Community policing is aimed at providing security to its members. Their core mandate is to ensure that the society is crime free. This can by the coordination between the police and the policy members who may come to an agreement on how to deal with the issues that affect the society (Sozer, 2010). Moreover, they may also conduct meeting together with the society in order to brief them on their expectations and what they may be expected to do. Consequently, the community policing members will be answerable to the relevant authorities put in place.
Secondly, there should be acknowledgment of the command of the police to conduct their duties depends on the support from the public or society. In this case, the community policing is mandated to ensure that there is due respect for the police in authority from the public. This moral support is to ensure that the police are always motivated when performing their duties hence efficiency in their work. Additionally, this will ensure that the police treat every individual equally. When the relationship between the police, the community policing and the public is good, there are always high chances of working together as one. Therefore, there won’t be rampant cases of disorder in the society.
The third ideology associated with community policing is that, it aims at getting the public favor in a systematic way that does not exclude anyone. In this regard, there should be independence of justice and everyone should be treated with equality as stipulated in the law. Therefore, the U.S. citizens have a right to protest if they may be dissatisfied with any of the decisions made by the authorities (Sozer, 2010). When members are treated with courtesy regardless of the social background leads to building of mutual relationships between the parties involved.
To wrap up on the ideologies, the police force is expected only to use force when dealing with criminals who may have gone against the law. However, the police are advised to use minimal force when pe...
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