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Biological and Psychological Theory

Essay Instructions:

a summary of psychological theory and biological theory of addiction. explain how research supports and refutes each theory. Paper must included a summary of each theory of addiction and a discussion of whether our not you would use the theories in your future practice and why. title page, in text citations and conclusion.

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Biological and psychological theories
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Addiction is when an individual has a habit of using alcohol or other drugs regularly which have negative effects on the body. There is the need to implement addiction recovery program so as to handle the addiction behavior of the individual. The addicts should learn to cope up without the use of the drugs to reduce the addictive behavior which is harmful to the health of an individual (Badiani 2014). Biological theories and psychological theories are used to explain the addictive behaviors of individuals.
Biological theory: Exposure theory
This theory implies that when an individual is regular see a particular drug one is tempted to try the drug which later becomes an addiction. The introduction of substances that contain nicotine to the body leads to one having a continuous behavior to use the drugs. This is because the metabolic composition is changed when one takes narcotic substances that are addictive to the body. According to Badiani (2014) a continuous exposure to particular drugs leads to an addiction as the individual pays so much attention to the drug. Some individuals are vulnerable and when they interact with people who use alcohol and other drugs one may be attracted to use the drugs. Some people are easily attracted to the use of drugs once they continuously see the drugs being used by other people. This could lead to severe addiction disorder by using the drugs that are readily available in the environment. The body depends on the drugs as the metabolic pathways are altered after using the drugs that one was exposed to which are addictive. The physical dependence on drugs makes it hard for an individual to stop consuming the drugs as they have greatly interfered with the body processes. Kamboj et al (2012) refute the theory indicating that it is possible to handle an individual who is exposed to addictive substances such as cigarettes and alcohol. For individuals who are exposed to certain drugs, anxiety disorder is treated to avoid them consuming the addictive drugs.
Psychological Theory: Personal traits theory of addiction
There some personal characteristics which lead to an individual being addicted to certain drugs. This is where the drugs are used to reduce stress due to disappointment and hard times that one if facing in life. Brady and Sinha (2005), state that mental illness due to stress could cause an individual to consume alcohol and drugs. The mental disorder affects the behavior of an individual engaging in drinking habits and consumption of other drugs to reduce the pressure of responsibility in life. Low academic achievement and emotional instability greatly contribute to the addiction habits of an individual to regain the self-esteem. However, personality disorder diagnosis is effective in handling personal characteristics that could lead to drug addiction (Shedler & Westen 2014). Self-control is crucial in managing personal characteristics that could lead an individual to the addiction of drugs. Addiction recovery programs help patients to handle personal characteristic and improve self-esteem thus reducing the consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
The theory that is more effective
In my view, the personal traits theory of addiction is the effective one to apply when handling addiction in future practices. This is because emotional instability is...
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