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Biblical Principles: Leadership, Statesmanship, and Government

Essay Instructions:

Module/Week 1 provided an overview of biblical principles related to leadership, statesmanship, and government. In this module/week, you evaluate the lives, actions and decisions of key leaders in the American founding. In turn, this paper will require you to analyze those founders in light of the biblical principles discussed in Module/Week 1. It consists of 3 parts (below). These sections must be discussed in the order presented above and with appropriate headings

• Part 1: A summarization of biblical principles of government, leadership, and statesmanship relevant to founding a nation (1–1.5 pages);

• Part 2: An application of those principles to the decisions and actions of George Washington and Patrick Henry (1-1.5 pages) and

• Part 3: Application of the statesmanship principles discussed in parts 1 and 2 to one germane issue in a contemporary context (1-2 pages). (The application is not a full blown case study as you read in Newell. The application links the principles and in Part 2 to a similar situation today.

In Part 2, remember to provide specific evidence (i.e., actions taken and decisions made) to explain how these leaders demonstrated the various attributes and principles discussed in Part 1. In doing all of this, keep in mind the following:

1) While statesmanship is certainly about personal leadership skills, moral attributes, and vision, it must also include an understanding of how government actually works and should be structured. There are plenty of nice, honorable people who care for others but who do not possess an understanding of the inter-workings of government and the required structure needed for a government designed to figh injustice, prevent exploitation, and limit tyranny, particularly in founding a nation.

2) Thus, your discussion must include a conversation about the type of understanding needed by a statesman as it relates to government structure. The class readings and in particular, the class presentations for this week will be really helpful to that end.

3) Your discussion must also focus on those statesmanship principles needed specifically for founding a nation. As you will notice from the course, we discuss statesmanship in a variety of contexts. It could be that different statesmanship principles are needed for these different contexts. Therefore, make sure you are thinking specifically about the challenges of creating a nation based upon justice and liberty for this assignment.

General requirements:

• 3-5 pages, not counting the title page or references page

• Citations from:

o 3–5 outside scholarly sources

o the “Leadership and Statesmanship” article

o from Newell and Vaughan (1997) and the required reading and presentations for the week

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Biblical Principles Related to Leadership, Statesmanship, and Government. Name: Institution: Biblical Principles Related to Leadership, Statesmanship, and Government. Part 1: A summarization of biblical principles of government, leadership, and statesmanship relevant to founding a nation Biblical principles are relevant in nation building as seen from the founding fathers of America. According to some of the founding fathers of America like Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, prayer and biblical principles were integral as they kept God in government affairs and guided the fathers to make the right decisions. God’s intervention also helped them proceed positively with their assembly businesses and building of the American nation. It is important to involved biblical concepts in leadership and government as God has the divine power and authority to enable leaders to perform their duties well as well as ensure that the country runs well. God has the ultimate power and knowledge and people should include God in the endeavors for them to succeed as seen in the case of the founding fathers of America. Analytically, the founding fathers had statesmanship as depicted from their moral attributes, leadership capabilities and the great vision that they had for America. Prayer, which is a strong biblical aspect believed to be a way of connecting to God and asking Him to intervene helped the founding fathers of America to have a common ground in decision making. God’s divine protection guide the founding fathers to break the existing deadlocks and lead to the grand compromise that played a crucial role in uniting Americas. (Pope, & Treier, 2018). Irrespective of having statesmanship and governance principles, the founding fathers found God’s intervention through biblical knowledge to be important to help them in the decisions that they made. Based on the above reasons, biblical principles played a crucial role in supplementing the governance, leaderships and statesmanship principles that the founding fathers of America had in the nation founding activities. Part 2: An application of those principles to the decisions and actions of George Washington and Patrick Henry George Washington and Patrick Henry are prominent personalities in founding of America. Both Washington and Henry were prominent for revolutionary actions and decisions believed to have liberated America. George Washington also played key roles in the citizenship and constitutionalism of the United States of America (Grayling, 2006). He was among the founding fathers of the nations. As experienced through the American Constitutional Convention, America by then was not a nation but had thirteen states where each state proposed different plans and ideologies (The Problem of Henry V Malcolm Pittock, 2008). The problem was that each state felt unwilling to compromise to the other states. ...
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