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BHP Billiton Position Regarding the Climate Change Problem in Australia

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This is a stakeholder position paper, the topic of this paper is the climate change issue in Australia. The stakeholder is Fossil fuel company-BHP Billiton Australia ( The polluter in the climate change issue ) to present their specific position on the issue and evaluate their contribution.
Your position paper should address, but is not restricted to, the following elements:
Snapshot of stakeholder
Stakeholder framing of the issue
Strategic alliances with other stakeholders
Resource availability (financial, social, human, symbolic capital)
Efforts to engage public opinion and/or responses to public opinion framed within public sphere theory
Success or failure in presenting and advancing case (based on factors such as progress in negotiations to date, chosen success indicators or objectives, short versus long term goals).
The paper should have:
Formal academic referencing in APA 6th style.
Appendices are optional and if used should be minimal

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Climate Change issue in Australia (BHP Billiton Position)
Institution Affiliation
Climate Change issue in Australia (BHP Billiton Position)
Climate change in Australia is a critical and contemporary problem that needs timely intervention to restore the social health of the citizens. The change is documented in terms of rising sea levels, varying patterns in rainfall, and different events such as floods (Pearce et al., 2018). However, one of the major causes of climatic change comprehensively addressed is artificial causes such as air pollution. For instance, global warming due to fossil fuels is a critical concern in Sydney, which causes annual deaths of approximately 30,000 (Dean & Green, 2018). Different levels of the population act as anthropogenic drivers towards environmental transformation. Climate change is also generated from specific variables such as precipitation and temperature. Simultaneous exposure to extreme temperature and air pollution are critical since they affect human health. Due to urgency in climate change, appropriate actions and adaptation in initiatives are necessary from different stakeholders. The paper probes BHP Billiton's position regarding the climate change problem in Australia.
Stakeholder Framing of the Issue
BHP Billiton is a fossil fuel Company with a firm stand in climate change. BHP's position on the issue, its purpose, and strategy focus on a proper climate change strategy that would limit any form of pollution (BHP, 2021). BHP strongly believes that reducing the direct emission of carbon to the environment would eliminate climate change and pollution by focusing on the safe delivery of fossil fuel products. BHP further considers climate change to be linked with fossil fuels that are not adequately managed. Fossil fuels emerge from the extraction of carbon-rich energy. However, whenever companies release excess carbon IV oxide in the atmosphere, there are increased greenhouse effect results. The green gas traps more heat in the atmosphere, which leads to global warming. Global warming is critical since it leads to instant climate change leading to poverty, poor health, food scarcity, and extinction of different species.
According to BHP's position, managing climatic change requires regulating emitted fossil fuels since they have different impacts on the planet depending on the sources. Among the fossil fuel, the dirtiest type which has a massive effect on the environment is coal since it contributes to a third of 1C escalated Australian temperature (Ward et al., 2021). Therefore, it heavily impacts the environment. According to BHP, whenever it successfully address the coal problem, Australia would restore the issue of climate change. Additionally, other sources to oversee are oil and natural gas. The burning of oil contributes to a vast amount of carbon, leading to approximately a third of total emissions in Australia (Dean & Green, 2018). Oil spills also affect the ocean ecosystem by devastatingly leading to the death of animals. Lastly, natural gas is assumed as a clean source of energy yet has carbon constituents leading to pollution. Therefore, based on BHP's position, the combination of the identified elements of fossil fuel extremely impact the Australian environment, thus requiring strategic and valid interventions. BHP believes that getting rid of fossil fuels in Australia is not the solution to climate change. The companies and the public should work hand in hand to promote social health in the country.
Strategic Alliances with other Stakeholders
BHP's position is to create and maintain strategic alliances with other stakeholders and partners to ensure that the climatic change in Australia does not adversely impact human health. The Australian government is one of BHP's stakeholders to ensure that it implements green and clean energy policies. The company has also continuously advertised the need for citizens to focus on clean energy and avoid directly emitting substances to the environment. BHP further implements the government clean energy plan, upholding high energy standards and reducing quality issues while delivering its products (BHP, 2021). According to the Australian government, low energy is paramount, and buildings should be structured to utilize low power with less environmental emission (Omrany et al., 2021). BHP is working hand in hand with the government to provide secure and energy-efficient products to residential buildings. Therefore, the other stakeholder that BHP engages to ensure climate change management is architectural companies. The strategic alliances with the government and other stakeholders allow the company to successfully manage fossil emission schemes and reduce pollution.
Resource Availability
Climate change management requires adequate resources. Base...
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