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Health Ethics Guidelines in Australia: Unethical Research and the Role of Ethics

Essay Instructions:

Topic 2: Ethics Guidelines in Australia
Unethical Research and the role of Ethics Committees
The question:
To what extent do the 2020 AH&MRC HREC guidelines safeguard Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and individuals against unethical research practices, and how does the structure and process of approval add to or diminish these ethical protections?
In forming your response, consider the following guiding questions:
1.What are the most important elements of the guidelines?
2.To what extent do these guidelines shift responsibility from the individual researcher to 'the system', and from the committee to the individual researcher, and do you think that this could be a problem? 
How do the guidelines address systemic issues (e.g. racism, unconscious bias, etc.)

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Health Ethics Guidelines in Australia: Unethical Research and the Role of Ethics
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Health Ethics Guidelines in Australia: Unethical Research and the Role of Ethics
Unethical research is a controversial topic that many scientists ostensibly address using different guidelines. Before 1990 ethical guidelines protecting research were not a key issue; however, a lot has changed, such as the establishment of the Belmont report (Wilson et al., 2017). The main aim of ethical guidelines is to reduce the manipulation or exhaustion of the Aboriginal people’s rights. Besides, most studies integrate unethical research and challenges on special communities and suitable interventions (Bull, 2010). Australia's indigenous people are the most victims of medical research due to their special qualities. For instance, in research of orphan DNA, indigenous samples were taken to show postcolonial science and ethical biovalue (Kowal, 2013). The research is a key reference to many scientists since it focuses on different ethical elements. According to Kowal (2013), the researchers used a thousand samples and ethically embraced the biovalue of the communities. The given an example is necessary to answer the question of 2020 AH&MRC guidelines in protecting the ethical values of the First Nation people. 2020 AH&MRC guidelines regulate the researchers during conception, designing, and researching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The paper probes to what extent the guidelines safeguard the indigenous communities from unethical research. The structure and the principles of 2020 AH&MRC HREC guidelines protect Aboriginal and other marginalized communities by reducing system issues of racism, little education, staff exhaustion, and lack of medical care.
Elements of 2020 AH&MRC Guidelines
The 2020 AH&MRC guidelines contain specific elements that determine to what extent they safeguard the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other communities from unethical research. The main aim of elements is to ensure that the researchers conduct their study appropriately. It allows the researchers to promote ethical studies. Before establishing the guidelines, the Aboriginals went through harassment and research without consent which jeopardized their right to privacy and confidentiality.
Net Benefits for Aboriginal Individuals
The net benefit for Aboriginal individuals is the first element of the 2020 AH&MRC guidelines. Under the identified principle, research conducted should positively benefit the First Nation people (AH&MRC, 2020). Besides the health aspect, the research should have social implications for the Aboriginal people and other communities. Therefore, the principle prevents the researchers from exhausting the community without any benefit. The response aligned to the Manhattan project, which showed the responsibility of a scientist by engaging the community during the research (Forge, 2008). Additionally, the element encourages the researchers to co-design their study to minimize any potential risks. It opts for identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks before conducting the risks. A researcher should avoid any study which contains more risks than positive benefits. Therefore, based on net benefits, the 2020 AH&MRC guidelines safeguard the aboriginal people and other communities.
Aboriginal Communal Management of Research
Aboriginal communal management of research is also a crucial element of the 2020 AH&MRC guidelines, which regulates the rate of research among the special communities. The element focuses on informed consent. Before initiating the actual research, any researcher must obtain consent from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (AH&MRC, 2020). The researcher must also inform them on the necessity of the researcher and how it would benefit them. Besides, the guideline acknowledges that all Aboriginal people have the right to ethical research and their engagement in research is paramount. It allows the communities to report any kind of manipulation or data collected without their consent. The guideline also requires the researchers to provide relevant information to the participants and comprehensive explanations of the research stages to avoid misunderstanding. Therefore, the element promotes adequate cooperation between the researchers and the communities, which justifies research ethics.
Cultural Sensitivity and Research
Culture sensitivity and research is the third element of 2020 AH&MRC guidelines which promotes ethical research among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other communities. It stresses that the researchers should follow cultural protocols while dealing with the special communities (AH&MRC, 2020). The researchers must consider the cultures while designing their study. Based on the knowledge gained in the course, it would be necessary for the researcher to consider the Manhattan project, which shows how a responsible scientist should consider cultural protocols and frameworks (Forge, 2008). Furthermore, the guideline allows for constant consultation between the researchers and the community sorting out any existing disagreements. Lastly, the guideline insists that every researcher's design, including surveys and questionnaires, should align with the Aboriginal people's cultures. Therefore, the cultural sensitivity and research element promote respect to Aboriginal culture, thus leading to ethical research.
Cost Reimbursement and Research
Cost reimbursement is a critical element of 2020 AH&MRC guidelines which focuses on monetary aspects. The element stresses that researchers should not bribe Aboriginal people to participate in any research under any circumstances. Instead, it focuses on the procedure to convince them to participate in research (AH&MRC, 2020). It also classifies reimbursement as non-financial or financial. Therefore, it limits the researcher from taking advantage of the socio-economically disadvantaged. It also ensures that there is equality during the research process. Therefore, the element is necessary for establishing reliable and confirmatory ethical research that positively benefits Aboriginal people, Torres Strait Islanders, and other communities.
Aboriginal Skills and Knowledge Enhancement
Aboriginal skills and knowledge enhancement is the last and the most fundamental element of 2020 AH&MRC guidelines. This element is necessary since it focuses on the benefits of ethical research. Based on this element, every researcher should build a capacity to allow Aboriginal people to participate in the research (AH&MRC, 2020). It also focuses on different reference groups related to the Aboriginal people. One of the key elements is a valid information dissemination framework that allows the researcher to effectively share the information with the Aboriginal people and other communities. It also advocates for employing the communities in different researches and, where possible, training them to reduce any biases. The element is crucial since it prevents the researcher from manipulating data due to inadequate knowledge and information. Besides, it allows the special communicate to actively investigate the research to avoid any unethical activities. The authorship opportunities are ethically viable since they would promote cultural protocols and respect. Therefore, the element provides a suitable framework that recognizes the contribution of the special community during research.
How the AH&MRC Guidelines Shift Responsibilities in Research and the Impacts
AH&MRC guidelines promote equality and reduce unconscious bias, which is a critical way to safeguard the Aboriginal people from unethical research. The guidelines promote Aboriginal governance due to established structures that allow the Aboriginal people and other communities to actively participate in the research design and implementation process (Kilian et al., 2019). Before the 2020 AH&MRC guidelines, there were significant problems due to increased inequality and biases. However, the guidelines have resolved the identified issues by creating a mutual-based type of research. All Individuals have the right to equal research without discrimination or any other racial-related issues. The guidelines establish a mutual agreement between the researchers and the participants, thus limiting unconscious bias, which may expose the participant's critical condition. Therefore, it shifts the responsibilities of the Aboriginal people from actively participatin...
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