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The Benefits and Hesitancy when It Comes to Vaccines

Essay Instructions:

Introduction: The introduction is where readers will have a chance to get an idea of what your essay will be about and what you will prove throughout. Do not go into too much detail here but give readers a preview of what is to come. Remember to review your writing plan to ensure that you are briefly hitting the key points you planned to cover while also stating your claim.

Provide an overview of the issue you have selected by briefly describing the main points and your argument.

Compose a thesis that states the argument that you will attempt to prove and support throughout your essay. This statement will give direction to your essay and should be well thought out.

Body: The body is your opportunity to describe and support your argument in depth. Make certain your thoughts and evidence are clear and organized in a way that is easy for readers to follow and understand.

Ensure that you write multiple focused paragraphs, clearly state their main idea, and move logically from one to the next, building the thesis argument as the essay progresses.

Your body paragraphs should support your argument by purposefully combining ideas with evidence from sources. The key to a persuasive essay is how well it is supported with quality evidence.

Address and refute at least one opposing viewpoint to your argument, which is your chance to discredit a significant opposing view and strengthen your argument in the process.

Conclusion: Think of the conclusion as a review of your argument. Use this section to restate your argument and remind readers of your supporting evidence. This paragraph is your last chance to persuade readers to agree with you.

Briefly summarize the main points of your essay. This section should consist of a brief review of your main ideas.

Draw conclusions based on your evidence.

Use evidence that you have found to wrap up the essay in a meaningful way that makes a connection to your audience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The benefits and hesitancy when it comes to vaccines
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Over the past few years, various governments have experienced difficulties dealing with infectious illnesses. Some of these diseases are communicable infectious caused by viruses and bacteria. As a result, vaccines were invented, and so far, they have proven to be cost-effective in fighting and preventing the outbreak of infectious diseases. The effectiveness and high degree of safety associated with vaccination have reduced the outbreak of diseases like measles and rubella by more than 95% and polio by 100%. Additionally, vaccination is an effective tool used to fight the outbreak of diseases and minimize the transmission of infections. Like any other medication people use, vaccines have their risks and benefit. However, it is essential to note that not all vaccines administered to people are 100% safe, but their benefits outweigh these risks. However, there has been a trend of people hesitating to take vaccines. This trend has been attributed to factors like people's lack of knowledge and information. This paper will analyze the benefits and hesitancy of vaccines.
The benefits of vaccines
1 Eradication of infectious illnesses
Vaccination is an effective tool that is used to fight the outbreak of diseases. At the same time, vaccination also minimizes the transmission of infections (Rabil et al., 2022). Over the past few years, the world has witnessed an outbreak of illnesses, and the recent one is the COVID-19 Pandemic that claimed many lives. Although it is imperative to administer vaccines effectively, sometimes, the scarcity of resources limits their distribution. This was witnessed during the COVID-19 Pandemic when many people did not receive the vaccination as the government intended (Soysal, Durukan & Akdur, 2021). However, those who receive the vaccination, especially children, have attested their benefits. Thus, the government should craft ways of encouraging people to receive vaccination when necessary. Vaccines do not always prevent infections but reduce the likelihood of people getting infected by dangerous illnesses and infections.
2 Reduction of mortality and morbidity rate
The effectiveness and high degree of safety associated with vaccination have reduced the outbreak of diseases like measles and rubella by more than 95% and polio by 100% (John, 2022). Cag et al. (2022) note that vaccination has resulted in a significant decline in preventable diseases. The smallpox outbreak is a perfect example of an illness that has been eliminated globally through vaccination. Additionally, in a study by John (2022), it is evident that the vaccination of children has reduced the mortality rate globally. This means that the risk of a child dying below five years due to lack of immunization has reduced by 75%. At the same time, vaccinated children stand a great chance of surviving illnesses compared to those who are not. Further, the research done by Wilder-Smith et al. (2017) shows that vaccination is vital in preventing illnesses and deaths among children. For instance, more than 2.5 million deaths are prevented by immunization every year. In addition to preventing illnesses, vaccination boosts the immunity of an individual, especially when it comes to contracting communicable illnesses.
Frequent vaccination has protected unimmunized individuals and boosted their immunity resulting in low morbidity in the global population. It is important to note that although parental trust and safety of various vaccines have declined due to the production of contrary reports that indicate the side effects of vaccines, the ability of the ministry of health to access a more significant population has been successful (Rabil et al., 2022). Today, health practitioners have acknowledged that immunization is the best tool that can be used to control infections in a population. Infectious diseases are the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the early 20th century in the globe. John (2022) note that vaccination has been effective in high-income nations like the United States, demonstrating the efficacy of vaccines if they can be made available to people. For example, through vaccination, the world has been able to significantly control the spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic among vulnerable groups like the elderly and children. There is no doubt that vaccination has reduced morbidity rates in the global context. Therefore vaccination should continue to be encouraged, especially for children, so that various diseases can be eliminated. Policymakers should create new laws to ensure people are sensitized to their importance in controlling illnesses.
3 Herd immunity
One of the greater benefits of getting vaccinated is the potential to generate herd immunity. John (2022) assert that when a higher percentage of the population gets vaccinated, the transmitting agents of infectious illnesses get destroyed to protect the unvaccinated population, especially those who are young to get vaccinated or those who are immunosuppressed. Some vaccines that have played this role significantly include vaccines against Hib and Streptococcus pneumonia. Rabil et al. (2022) note that in most cases, herd immunity needs high levels of vaccine intake to limit the number of people who are not vaccinated and the transmission of pathogens. An example of a vaccine that works this way is the life-attenuated measles vaccine, where the first dose is recommended at 9-12 months. To protect all those people who cannot get vaccinated, like infants, immunosuppressed, and pregnant women, more people are encouraged to receive a vaccination to disrupt its transmission.
Herd immunity is a life-saving protection strategy nations can use to prevent the prevention of illnesses. Soysal, Durukan & Akdur (2021) note that another strategy nations have been using is cocooning apart from herd immunity. This strategy has proven effective with limited success for illnesses like influence, where close family contacts are immunized to prevent transmission. It is important to note that vaccination has effectively prevented illnesses l...
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